[1.10.1] Next Star Industries: BDArmory Weapons Extension has …
2017年6月24日 · Get the KSP v1.8.1 and BDAc v1.3.2 and of NSI's BDArmory Weapons Extension here. BDArmory Weapons Extension's Required Mod List: The latest version of BDArmoryContinued is required to be installed.
BDArmory Weapons Extension - KerbalX
Share your Kerbal Space Program craft, with automatic detection of mods, search by mod & craft attributes.
[1.12.x] Konstruction! Weldable ports, servos, cranes, and magnets!
2016年10月4日 · Konstruction adds new parts and game mechanics to KSP centered around base and orbital construction! Features: Weldable, configurable construction ports, with auto-rotation and configurable parameters on the fly. Once connected, these can be removed, resulting in a permanent joint between the parent parts of the two ports.
BDArmory Plus - SpaceDock
Latest, continually updated version of BDArmory. Continuation of BDAc and BDArmory for Runway Project.
BDArmory Weapons Extension - Gallery - CurseForge
The W87 Thermonuclear warhead. The B61 Mod 12 50KT nuclear bomb with GPS guidance. Taking out the KSC.
[1.10.1] Next Star Industries: BDArmory Weapons Extension has …
2017年6月24日 · Version 1.8 is moving right along and will include several new weapons and a new model for the W87. I have adjusted the camera over exposure effect time and it only occurs with weapons that have a blastRadius of 1000 m or more.
坎巴拉太空计划 MOD 安装指南 - 哔哩哔哩
这篇专栏里面,我就给大家详细介绍一下,给KSP下载以及安装Mod的三种方法。 第一种:手动安装(适合老手,新手不推荐) 这是最根本,但也是最麻烦,最容易出错的mod安装方法,所以KSP老玩家们都不推荐新手进行手动安装mod,这里简单介绍一下。
BDArmoryContinued - Kerbal Space Program Mods - CurseForge
BahamutoD has taken a leave of absence and requested that his mods be continued, so the BDArmory Team is pleased to announce BDArmory Continued! DISCLAIMER This mod is a work in progress. The last update contains many new features and systems, so you will likely find issues with the new stuff, or find that things that used to work no longer work.
坎巴拉太空计划主要mod推荐 - 哔哩哔哩
这个mod将原版坎星系替换为了我们的太阳系,难度增加,在太阳系中进入地球轨道需要高达9000米每秒的delta-v,建议与real fuel共同使用。 必须安装前置mod和贴图,否则使用不了。 (ps:这是up下载的第一个mod) https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/177216-* 2.real fuels 真实燃料. 增加大量燃料组合,大修原版的比冲推重比delta-v等引擎数据,修改燃料罐质量干湿重,加入引擎点火 …
BDArmory on SpaceDock
This mod is not known to work with the latest version of Kerbal Space Program. Proceed with caution. This mod is a work in progress. The newest update contains many new features and …
KerbalX - ModPack[BD Armory]
what is a mod pack? TweakScale - Rescale Everything! Vehicle Prefabs Ready to Go! Craft Sharing Simplified. Share your Kerbal Space Program craft, with automatic detection of mods, …
BDArmory Weapons Extension Screenshots - Mods - Kerbal
Peacekeeper ICBM, without a fairing, on it's way with 11 W87 warheads. BDArmory Weapons Extension is Kerbal Space Program Mods. Next Star Industries Nuclear and Heavy Weapons. Download this on the CurseFire.
ksp87 - KerbalX
Craft Sharing Simplified. Share your Kerbal Space Program craft, with automatic detection of mods, search by mod & craft attributes.
Mods for Kerbal Space Program on SpaceDock
ELOS (Short for "Eris Launch and Orbital Services") is a KSP parts mod that provides all the parts you need to create Gilmour Space’s Eris-1 rocket in Kerbal Space Program. Eris Launch and Orbital Services (ELOS) - Stockalike Gilmour Space Eris-1
W87 - Wikipedia
The W87 is an American thermonuclear missile warhead formerly deployed on the LGM-118A Peacekeeper ("MX") ICBM. 50 MX missiles were built, each carrying up to 10 W87 warheads in multiple independently targetable reentry vehicles (MIRV), and were deployed from 1986 to 2005.
BahamutoD's Armory (BDArmory) - Kerbal Space Program …
Discuss on the KSP forum page. Installation : Copy the BDArmory folder from the zip file's GameData folder into your GameData folder. If updating, please remove your old BDArmory folder before extracting.
Kerbal Space Program Wiki
2017年8月22日 · Parts – A list of all the default parts in KSP; Celestial bodies – All stars, planets and moons in the KSP universe; Addon – All about addons/mods and how to install or remove them; Calculation tools; Version history and planned features
坎巴拉发射(转移)窗口计算器(中文版) - 3楼猫
2024年10月8日 · 坎巴拉发射(转移)窗口计算器(中文版) 每次玩坎巴拉时,是否在为计算轨道而苦恼,是否受够了在每个存档必须发一颗近坎卫星才能用MJ计算轨...
LV-TX87 "Bobcat" Liquid Fuel Engine - Kerbal Space Program
The LV-TX87 "Bobcat" Liquid Fuel Engine is the highest-thrust medium-sized engine. The Bobcat has a specific impulse of 290s in atmosphere. Only four other engines meet or exceed this, and all of them come at level 8 of the tech tree, while the Bobcat appears much earlier at level 5.
Kerbal Space Program 1.12 Update - On Final Approach
Preview of the KSP 1.12 update - on final approach, a final update for the KSP before developers start focusing on KSP 2. Take a look at the updates to Pol a...
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