开放楔形 HTO 与可吸收 β-TCP/PLGA 间隔物植入和腓骨近端截骨 …
末次随访时的临床和功能性 KSS 评分均高于术前评分(p < 0.001)。 结论. 这种新型可吸收垫片可以为胫骨截骨间隙提供足够的稳定性,而且成本低于传统钢板。使用这种垫片作为骨诱导和可生物降解的装置,可以避免用于去除固定的二次手术。
Functional results following high tibial osteotomy: a review of the ...
Bonasia et al. reported significantly improved functional scores following the HTO (KSS and WOMAC) with > 56 years old and < 120 degrees of knee flexion pre-operatively negatively affecting the outcome. An excellent pre-operative KSS was a predictor of a good outcome .
TKA following high tibial osteotomy versus primary TKA - a …
2010年9月14日 · High tibial osteotomy (HTO) is a well established technique for the treatment of medial osteoarthritis of the knee with varus malalignment. Results of total knee arthroplasty (TKA) after previous HTO are still discussed controversially.
两种截骨术式治疗膝关节内侧间室骨关节炎的疗效比较 - PMC
近年出现的改良胫骨结节下单平面 HTO(modified distal tibial tubercle-HTO,DTT-HTO),其通过术中钻孔分散外侧骨皮质应力和应用 π 形锁定钢板,有效减少了合页骨折、固定失败的发生,被越来越多的骨科医生接受 ,但目前有关该术式与 OWHTO ...
Early results of high tibial osteotomy versus combined …
2024年1月16日 · In this study, we found that both HSS and KSS scores were significantly higher in HTO combined arthroscopic patients postoperatively compared to preoperatively. WOMAC scores decreased in patients after HTO combined arthroscopic surgery compared to preoperative, and patients showed significant improvement in functional knee recovery and imaging ...
A meta-analysis of total knee arthroplasty following high tibial ...
A meta-analysis was performed to compare postoperative outcomes between revising HTO to TKA (RHTO) and primary TKA (PTKA) with respect to Knee Society Score (KSS), 10-year survival rate, operative time, flexion and extension angle, infection rate and radiographic results.
Less risk of conversion to total knee arthroplasty without …
The survival at 15-year follow-up was 59.2% in the OW-HTO group versus 54.6% in the CW-HTO group (n.s.). At 13-year follow-up, KSS Function score was significantly better in the OW-HTO (90.9 versus 82.4; p = 0.007). No significant difference was observed between the two groups regarding the KOOS score, KSS Knee Score and complication rate.
Biological Effects of High Tibial Osteotomy on Spontaneous ...
The Knee Society Score (KSS) and hip-knee-ankle (HKA) angle were assessed before and 2 years after HTO. Results: The KSS knee and function scores were significantly improved after HTO (mean changes of 33.8 and 29.4, respectively). The mean HKA angle was changed from mechanical varus (−8.6°) to valgus (5.2°).
A meta-analysis of total knee arthroplasty following high tibial ...
2020年4月1日 · A meta-analysis was performed to compare postoperative outcomes between revising HTO to TKA (RHTO) and primary TKA (PTKA) with respect to Knee Society Score (KSS), 10-year survival rate,...
胫骨高位截骨术失败后行全膝关节假体置换术的长期疗效观察 - 中 …
目的 针对胫骨高位截骨术(high tibial osteotomy,HTO)失败后行全膝人工关节置换术(total knee arthmplasty,TKA)进行长期疗效观察,分析其远期临床疗效及术中注意事项.方法 选择法国Medico-Chirurgical du Cedre中心1990年3月-1992年6月18例(19膝)HTO术后失败的患者并行TKA治疗.所有 …