KSS JAPAN | Ball Screw & Actuators
KSS combines Miniature Ball Screw and other Product as a multi-used purpose, such as Miniature Ball Screw with Ball Spline. Compact Unit product with Ball Screw and Motor combined without Coupling. his is the Rod type Linear Actuators. Rod (Shaft end) moves back and forth for positioning or lifting.
Linear Actuator External type | KSS JAPAN - Ball Screw
This is the ultimate "All-in-One" products integrated Rotary Encoder, Servo Driver and Controller into the KSS Linear Actuator (External type). Perfect for No step-out function, High speed rotation and compact design due to mounting Stepping Motor directly.
This is a Ball Screw type compact electric Linear Actuator which combined with Stepping Motor. 3 types of Linear Actuators, External, Captive and Non-Captive type are available for customer usage.
KSS - Motion Solutions
Since its founding in 1960, KSS has widened its manufacturing scope from a base of manufacturing technology in the ultra-precision field. Beginning with thread gauges, the company’s product line has grown to include precision lead screws and precision miniature ball screws, as well as standard miniature ball screws.
Linear actuator - KSS - electric / lead screw - DirectIndustry
High cost performance type Actuator installed Resin Lead Screw. It can be used without oiling in normal environment for long term, because lubricating agent is incorporated in Resin Nut. No catalogs are available for this product. Find out all of the …
KSS - Linear Actuator External
Linear Actuator (SiMB series) ; Precision Ball Screws + Stepping Motor with encoder
35系列滚珠直线步进电机-精密进口滚珠丝杠电机现货-35MBG0805 …
リニアアクチュエータ External type | ケーエスエス株式会社
カップリングレスで送りねじ+ステッピングモータを一体化した高性能駆動ユニット。 ボールねじの軸端にモータを直付け、ボールねじの軸心がモータ回転軸心となる理想的な構造を実現し、ロストモーションが極小です。 直付け構造によりカップリングが不要となり長手方向寸法もコンパクトになります。 リニアアクチュエータ(External type)は、短納期要求にお応えするため、標準在庫を保有しています。 軸端を切断することでストロークの調節が可能です。 精密 …
Linear Actuator Captive and Non-Captive|KSS JAPAN
Cylinder type Actuator with Motor built in Ball Screw or Lead Screw. Wide variety of combination is standardized by choosing Drive Screw type and screw Lead, which is achievable only by Ball Screw maker as KSS.
Home | Dynetics
Dynetics represents leading manufacturers such as Nidec, KSS, NPM, NB, and offers a wide range of small rotating motors (up to ca 200 Watt) and High precision linear motors (up to ca. 100.000N) with various technologies (Piezo, Brush, brushless, coreless), together with peripherals like ultra-high precision lead screws and miniature ball screws ...