Free online Knee Society Score calculator - OrthoToolKit
Originally published in 1989 in Clinical Orthopaedics and Related Research, the Knee Society Clinical Rating System (KSS) was designed to provide a simple and objective scoring system to rate the knee and patient’s functional abilities before and after total knee arthroplasty.
The Knee Society Score
The Knee Society Score The Knee Society is pleased to make available, FREE OF CHARGE, the 2011 Knee Society Scoring System© (2011KSS) to hospitals, physicians and allied health professionals. Commercial entities, please inquire at [email protected] .
KNEE SOCIETY SCORE: PRE-OP 5- Sex Male Female 6- Side of this (symptomatic) knee Left Right Enter dates as: mm/dd/yyyy Page 1/7 3- Height (ft' in") 4- Weight (lbs.) 7- Ethnicity Native Hawaiian or other Pacific Islander Arab or Middle Eastern American Indian or Alaska Native Hispanic or Latino African American or Black Asian White
The New Knee Society Knee Scoring System - PMC - PubMed …
The objective knee score, completed by the surgeon, includes a VAS score of pain walking on level ground and on stairs or inclines, as well as an assessment of alignment, ligament stability, and ROM, along with deductions for flexion contracture or extensor lag.
2012年4月2日 · With these issues in mind, the new Knee Society Scoring System, copyrighted in 2011, is a validated system that combines an objective physician-derived component with a subjective patient-derived component that evaluates pain relief, functional abilities, satisfaction, and fulfillment of expectations (Noble; Scuderi).
什么是膝关节kss评分标准 - 百度
膝关节 kss 评分标准是一种用于评估膝关节置换手术效果的评分系统。 KSS 代表 Knee Society Score,由美国膝关节协会(Knee Society)制定。 该评分系统包含疼痛、功能、活动度和稳定性四个评估维度,满分为 100 分。
膝关节KSS评分与KS-C KS-F的关系? - 丁香园论坛 - DXY.cn
平时在文献里看到的都是KSS评分,今天看到一篇文献用的是KS-C和KS-F,看了一下英文表达,分别是KS-C,Knee Society Clinical Knee Score; KS-F, Knee Society Functional Knee Score.然后又去了解了一下KSS评分表,发现确实有两个表,一个是临床评分一个是功能评分,那么平时看 …
With these issues in mind, the new Knee Society Scoring System, copyrighted in 2011, is a validated system that combines an objective physician-derived component with a subjective patient-derived component that evaluates pain relief, functional abilities, satisfaction, and fulfillment of expectations (Noble; Scuderi).
Knee Society Score (KSS) | Patient-Reported Outcome Measure
2015年9月6日 · A comprehensive overview of the Knee Society Score (KSS) patient-reported outcome measure; this includes strengths, considerations and licensing information.
(完整版)膝关节评分表(KSS) - 百度文库
(完整版)膝关节评分表(KSS)--20用手杖Hale Waihona Puke Baidu-5用双手杖-10需使用腋杖或助行器辅助活动-20总分(part 2)调查者签名:日期:年月日姓名:性别:年龄:病区:床号:住院号:膝关节KSS评分表单纯膝关节功能评分疼痛50不疼50轻度偶尔45上下楼时轻微疼痛40平地 ...