Calligra Sheets - Wikipedia
Calligra Sheets (formerly KSpread and Calligra Tables) is a free software spreadsheet application that is part of Calligra Suite, an integrated graphic art and office suite developed by KDE.
KSpread - Simple English Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
KSpread is a free software spreadsheet program that is part of KOffice, an office suite for the KDE Desktop Environment. Among KSpread features are multiple sheets per document, assorted formatting possibilities, support for more than 100 built-in functions, templates, chart, spell-check, hyperlinks, data sorting and scripting with Python ...
Calligra Sheets - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
Calligra Sheets (原名 KSpread 及 Calligra Tables)是一個自由軟體的電子表格應用程序,是 Calligra Suite 辦公軟體套裝的一部份。 Calligra Sheets的特色是多張工作表的文件,各種格式的可能性,支持超過100個內置數學函數、模板、圖表、拼寫檢查、超文本鏈接、數據分類和 Python, Ruby 和 Javascript 腳本支援。 Calligra Sheets支援多種電子表格格式,包括 Microsoft Excel, Applix Spreadsheet, Quattro Pro, CSV 和SXC。
KSpread - 百度百科
KSpread 是一个自由软件的电子表格应用程序,是 KOffice 办公软件套装的一部分。 KSpread有能力支援多种电子表格格式,包括 Microsoft Excel , Applix Spreadsheet , Quattro Pro , CSV 和SXC。
Calligra Suite
Calligra Suite is an office and graphic art suite by KDE. It contains applications for word processing, spreadsheets, presentation, vector graphics, and editing databases. Calligra Words is an intuitive word processor application with desktop publishing features. With it, you can create informative and attractive documents with ease.
KOffice (KSpread) - KDE Store
KSpread is a scriptable spreadsheet program which provides both table-oriented sheets and support for complex mathematical formulas and statistics. KSpread's features include: * cell customization (data/number format, precision, border, alignment, rotation, background color and pattern, font type, style and size, etc.).
KSpread - ThinkPenguin.com
KSpread is a spreadsheet. With KSpread you can create table-oriented sheets with information and powerful calculations with ease with good support for the OpenDocument format. For calculations there is a huge list of formulas available that allow all the expected numerical, financial and textual features that are expected in a spreadsheet.
Sheets - KDE UserBase Wiki
Sheets is the successor of KSpread and is part of the Calligra office suite. The development of Sheets started in 1998 by Torben Weis [1]. When the Calligra community split from the KOffice …
KSpread Review - Softpedia
2006年12月8日 · KSpread is a free spreadsheet application that is part of KOffice, an integrated office suite for the KDE Desktop Environment. Spreadsheets applications have two important purposes: making lists...
- 作者: Mihai Marinof
KSpread - Wikipedia bahasa Indonesia, ensiklopedia bebas
KSpread adalah aplikasi spreadsheet yang merupakan bagian dari KOffice, paket office terintegrasi untuk desktop KDE. Beberapa fitur KSpread antara lain: beberapa lembar kerja dalam satu dokumen, beragam kemungkinan pemformatan, dukungan untuk lebih dari 100 fungsi, template, diagram, pemeriksa ejaan, hyperlink dan pengurutan data.
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