The KT88 has an absolute maximum anode dissipation rating of 42W and is designed for use in the output stage of an a.f. amplifier. Two valves in Class ABI give a continuous
GEC Audio Tube Data book/KT88 100W - The Amp Garage
2007年5月9日 · "The GEC Audio Tube Data book reprint has a circuit for a 100 watt fixed-bias KT88 ultra-linear amplifier. The transformer spec. calls for a power transformer capable of 325mA supplying the two KT88s, a 6J5 and a 6SN7.
The new KT88 features greatly enhanced sonic performance: Increased peak cathode emission from new cathode materials; Stable operation from extended processing and aging; Gold-plated grid; New tri-plate anode; Single-piece beam forming electrode;
KT88 Ultralinear? - diyAudio
2013年8月12日 · Use a 1650TA Hammond and four KT88's in push pull parallel for 100 - 120 watts. Two KT88's are not going to give you an honest continuous commercial rating of 100 watts in anything near class A, AB1, or even AB2 if you run the tubes within their normal range.
老关谈胆:重新认识 KT88/6550 - 『DIY实例与心得体会』 - 『胆 …
2006年10月19日 · K6 作为 6P3P 推挽机的代表, 2A3“3 瓦”作为小音量美学的代表, M100 作为 EL34 的代表,“ 3 个代表”是实至名归的。 但 KT88/6550 呢? 哪台机器,能为 KT88/6550 光大门楣,称得上金屋藏娇? 时至今日,国人胆机中,随便那一家都好像有用 KT88/6550 的,而且现在中国也 WTO 了,休说湖南,广西的,就是俄罗斯,捷克的,不照样来咱们这里找生意? 来得容易就不希奇,好像随便就可以搞一下,其结果就是似乎所有人都尝过 KT88/6550 的滋味,“ …
KT88 amp schematic/parts list - diyAudio
2007年7月4日 · In the end the difference between a 50W amp and a 100W amp is 3dB or "a little louder". If your speakers have an efficiency of 89dB/1W/1M and you change to 92dB speakers you have effectively doubled the power of your amp. Mikael's KT88 single-ended design should make 7 or 8 watts per channel (mine come in at almost 8).
Shuguang KT88-98 | HiFiPART STORE
Chinese Shuguang KT88-98. KT88 is a beam power tetreode, its anode limited dissipation power is 42W. In the audio amplifier, the power can be 100W when it is used as push-pull class AB1 with double tubes, it can also be used in electronic voltage regulator circuit. KT88 is similar with CV5220 and 6550,they can be replaced by each other.
Marshall Model 1959 Super Lead 100W 1974 w/KT88 120V …
2024年9月8日 · レアなkt88仕様&本国120v仕様に加え、多くのアーティスト達を支える魚頭圭氏による最高のパフォーマンスを発揮するオーバーホールカスタマイズが施された逸品が入荷。
HIFIDIY论坛-扭盲贴,功率管分类....6l6gc,kt66,el34,kt88 - Powered …
2022年3月9日 · 反过来,kt88的屏压和屏流,要比6p3的要大,容易造成管内打火或屏耗过大,而管子过早老化。
HIFIDIY论坛-请教一下KT88推挽输出牛问题 - Powered by Discuz!
2019年6月13日 · 我在实验KT88推挽时发现比较容易自激,其它多极管推挽时也自激,程度比较轻一点而已,观察20Khz方波的顶部全是波浪,自激严重,顶部一半波浪,自激较轻,顶部除上冲外,平坦则无自激。
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