KT88 amplifier - diyAudio
2022年1月16日 · I stumbled upon Bob Cordell's KT88 amplifier presented in Linear Audio. I really like this design and I decided to give it a go. He uses the kt88s in pentode mode and I will use them both in pentode and ul mode. I already have the tubes but now I'm looking at buying the transformers and I'm in a bit o a pickle.
DIY SE KT88 / 6L6 / EL34 / 6CA7 Tube Amplifier - DIY AUDIO …
2014年9月10日 · A DIY Single-Ended (SE) Tube Amplifier Project that is compatible with KT88 / 6L6 / EL34 / 6CA7 tubes. A 6N1P dual triode is used to drive the output stage. DIY Audio Projects
KT88 Stereo Schematic and help - diyAudio
2012年2月7日 · 4.3k is recommended for a kt88 in a conventional push-pull output stage with fixed bias running Class AB1, but the OddWatt is none of the above (except for the kt88 part). The OddWatt design uses a somewhat unconventional output stage.
记一款KT88推挽放大器制作日志·中 - hifidiy
另一个是国内一烧友制作KT88推挽机的DIY作品。 这套件的电路,前面讲了,是4级放大;4路输入选择;音量控制是带马达的遥控方式;后级功率放大能在三级管接法和超线性接法之间通过继电器切换;另外,栅级负偏压的监测调节也是4路切换。 总之,各种小板很多,仅供电电路的布线就够喝一壶的了。 老法子,先把电源部分弄起来吧。 首先先布好4只KT88管子的灯丝线。 原厂的电源高压滤波部分是这么处理的,个人不太喜欢,准备调整一下。 用环氧板制作了一个横条,利 …
2010年5月14日 · hifidiy论坛-一直比较喜欢kt88与kt90三极管接法的单端,尽管在功率上有所损失但比较耐听。 做过几台J版设计的纯二单端机,对J版的设计理念及电路充满相信。
HIFIDIY论坛-纯手工搭棚KT88胆机 超线性接法 附煲机视频
2018年8月31日 · 搭棚条焊接,每个焊点都做了加固 成品内部图,走线还算工整 成品靓图. 安装端子和表头,没有安装VU表,选的毫伏表头,不会随着音乐摆动! 用料细节,不多做介绍了 都是发烧级用料! 好机! 正在使用! 内部走线一致 用料接近 电路图 少许不同 高压360左右 外壳一致 搭棚布局一致 推小箱子可以听出耳油。 推JBL4367也相当优美,厚声,充满乐器的美感 人声口水歌一流 可能我音源好。 用手机做音源就很难听. 好机! 正在使用! 内部走线一致 用料接近 电路 …
DIY 12SL7 SRPP / Push-Pull KT88 Tube Amp - DIY AUDIO …
2009年11月30日 · Class-A Ultra-Linear 12SL7 SRPP / KT88 SIPP Tube Amplifier. A Pair of Push-Pull Class A, Ultra Linear Mono Block Tube Amplifiers that can be used with several different vacuum tubes including KT77 / 6L6GC / KT88 with a 12SL7 driver and 6NO30 tubes. The amplifier stage is based on the Compact Hi-Fi Power Amplifier by Melvin Leibowitz.
KT88 Valve Tube Amplifier Single-ended Amp DIY KIT from ... - diyAudio
2018年8月2日 · Reading the sale page clearly states that no complete building instructions are included. "This diy kit need professional skill, it only with diagram, without the step by step manual." Most folks with experience would be able to wire it just from the schematic.
DIY Audio Projects - Hi-Fi Blog for DIY Audiophiles: KT88 Single …
2007年6月11日 · For additional information, pictures and schematics, see the complete page of Alex's DIY KT88 Single Ended (SE) Tube Amplifier project. Related DIY Audio Tube Projects: Bruce's EL84 Push Pull Tube Amplifier
DIY KT88 + 6SN7 push-pull Amp / Part 1 | Jkx@home
For a single channel, I need 2 tubes, 1 bias power-supply, a highly regulated power supply and a phase shifter .. For the tubes, I decided to use some KT88. In fact, a friend give me a spare matched quad of NOS (plain old) Gold Lion tubes + the needed output transformers so .. This tube are really great for the HIFI. And they look really great !!!