6550 / KT88 / KT90 Power Vacuum Tubes • New & NOS
TubeDepot carries a selection of 6550 / KT88 / KT90 Power Vacuum Tubes. New & NOS power tubes from Mullard, Tung-Sol, Telefunken, Sino, GE, Telefunken & more!
KT88 - 6550 -KT90 - KT120 - KT150 - KT170 - VIVA TUBES
Shop our great selection of KT88, 6550, KT90, KT120, KT150, vacuum tubes now. We carry all of the major brands in NOS, vintage and New Production vacuum tubes. Our tubes are always tested, matched and guaranteed. Visit us now!
KT88 | KT90 | KT120 | KT150 Vacuum Power Tubes - thetubestore
The KT88 vacuum tube is considered to be one of the best sounding power tubes for hifi tube amplifiers. In general, the KT88 tube has a magical mid-range similar to the smaller EL34 tube, but with low and high end extremes that reach much further.
KT88 - Wikipedia
Specifically designed for audio amplification, the KT88 has higher plate power and voltage ratings than the American 6550. It is one of the largest tubes in its class and can handle significantly higher plate voltages than similar tubes, up to 800 volts .
NOS Genalex Gold Monarch KT88 Power Tubes - Matched Pair
I have a pair of matched NOS Made in England Genalex Gold Monarch KT88 Power Tubes. Matched pair of NOS tubes has been tested and work perfectly, but that’s all. If you aren’t familiar, these are some of the best sounding vintage power tubes ever made and are the “big brother” to the legendary Go...
GEC KT88 …”The King Of Power Tubes” – Part 1 - Medialux
2020年3月25日 · The original GEC KT88 shares nearly the same nimbus as the legendary Western Electric 300b – till today no new tube construction can replace the original design. Availability of the famous GEC KT88 – how to detect the legend: In todays used market the different types / labeled GEC tubes have almost vanished from circulation.
KT88 superthread. - diyAudio
2020年10月6日 · The GEKT88 - also sold as a Penta KT88SC, Preferred Series KT88 and TAD KT88-STR and/or STR-Blackplate - is rumored to be Shuguangs direct copy of the now incredibly expensive GEC original. So lets see what the re-branders have to say.
6550 - NOS Vacuum Tubes for Sale | Tubes Unlimited
Sino/Chinese Shuguang KT88 - Billington Gold Triple tested and matched. These are excellent sounding KT-88 from China-GUI GUANG at an EXCELLENT price! Just $49.99 per tube, provided in original boxes. Matched to perfection within 1-3mA. This is a suitable replacement for any 6550/KT-88 tube type.
1x Vintage NOS NIB Mullard IEC KT88 6550. TV7D/U Tested
Here's a beautiful NIB Vintage Mullard KT88 vacuum tube, I believe from the 60's. Tested on a Calibrated TV7D/U and Sencore tube testers. Tested at 70 where 45 is the lowest acceptable value.
12E1 CV345 KT88 GEC NOS Made in England Amplitrex Tested …
The CV345 or 12E1 tube has the same pin out as the KT88 except on the KT88 pin 3 is the plate (anode) whereas on the CV345 the plate is connected to the top cap. Dual “O” Getter Made in England Brown Base, Clear Glass New In Original Box (Unused) The Tube Tested is 100% Strong Tested Advance Digital Tube Tester Amplitrex AT1000