2010年5月14日 · 一直比较喜欢kt88与kt90三极管接法的单端,尽管在功率上有所损失但比较耐听。 做过几台J版设计的纯二单端机,对J版的设计理念及电路充满相信。 这次做J版的6550单端图纸1(三极管接法),输出功率8W。
エレハモKT90…良い球です! : オーディオ万華鏡(SUNVALLEY audio公式ブログ)
2018年6月22日 · KT120,KT150がTung Sol版のアッパーKT88とすればKT90はエレハモ版のKT88上位球といえます。 KT120,KT150はヒーター定格がKT88と異なる(6.3V/2A)ことからアンプ側の制約によって使えない場合もたくさんありますが、EH90はKT88とヒーター定格が同じで他のパラメータが上位 ...
Difference between KT88 & KT90 output tubes? - Steve Hoffman Music Forums
2012年2月16日 · The KT90 is one of several latter day hybrid tubes not really part of the GEC Kinkless Tetrode family, e.g., KT-66, -77,-88. It probably needs to be biased somewhat differently and may have a higher heater current than the KT88. In …
KT-90A型 神经肌肉电刺激仪 - 低频治疗仪 - 北京耀洋康达医疗仪器 …
该产品通过皮肤电极,将特定的低频双向不对称方波电流作用于人体,进行神经肌肉电刺激,努力使肌肉维持在正常状态,防止肌肉萎缩和变性,提高肌张力。 一旦神经支配功能恢复,患者随意运动功能也能较快地随之恢复; 适应症: 该产品可用于部分失神经、完全失神经的治疗。 特点: 1) 针对神经肌肉组织不同病理特点,该仪器提供Ⅰ、Ⅱ两种治疗处方。 由于两种处方的电流密度及所含高频成分不一样,采用处方Ⅱ比处方Ⅰ对人体的病肌刺激作用要强; 处方Ⅰ的波形 处方Ⅱ …
KT90 - eierc.com
2002年1月12日 · KT90 is a beam-power pentode primarly designed for use in audio frequency power amplifier applications. Anode dissipation rate is 50W, which provides for push-pull amplifiers utilization up to 110W output per pair, with 550V on the anode.
el34, kt88, kt90, 6550 to 8417 conversion - diyAudio
2011年11月20日 · Two of the amps have mix matched KT90's. One amp has mix matched 6550's. All the tubes had a layer of dust on them. They all test pass, but not like a new tube would. I want to replace all the tubes in the MB350's which would take 24 of either kt90's or 6550's. So my initial thought was to sell the 8417's and buy KT90's.
KT90 why this - diyAudio
Recently been asked to have a look at a V6 Manley amp and found this KT90 radiating quite well. All the other KT90 tubes in the amp (5off) are running with near sim conditions. Checked bias components and volts on all p-p o/ps. Swapped tubes around and this one persists in glowing but very one sided and in the centre.
日本的 KT90单端功放 (6AN8+KT90) - 矿石收音机
2009年8月8日 · 引自 八哥乐乐 [音响DIY]论坛 原帖:http://dogp.5d6d.com/thread-21310-1-2.html原文由MJ无线在实验1993年2月号 刊载 日本的 KT90单端功放 (6AN8+KT90) ,矿石收音机论坛
Audiyofan.org • Afficher le sujet - kt90 vs kt120
2017年1月27日 · A pair of these tubes in push-pull configuration can deliver power levels of 150 or more watts. When used at the parameters found in existing 6550/KT88/KT90 circuits, the Tung-Sol KT120 is impervious to overload, delivering peak …
KT90-EH are here!!! - Audiokarma Home Audio Stereo Discussion …
2012年1月4日 · I decided to pull the trigger on Quad KT90 from EH, instead of Quad KT88 Genalex Gold Lion Re-issue. I was torn between the two, at the end the GL being $120.00 higher for the Quad weighed in the decision. Well, the KT90-EH are finally here, and in the process of biasing right now (very simple in my amp).