6550 / KT88 / KT90 Power Vacuum Tubes • New & NOS
TubeDepot carries a selection of 6550 / KT88 / KT90 Power Vacuum Tubes. New & NOS power tubes from Mullard, Tung-Sol, Telefunken, Sino, GE, Telefunken & more!
KT88 |KT90 | KT100 | KT120 | KT150 | 6550 - Tube Amp Doctor
High power KT90 for HiFi, not recommendet for guitar- or bass amps. size: d= 39mm, l= 108mm (without the pins)
Electro-Harmonix KT90 - Upscale Audio
The Electro Harmonix KT90-EH tube is a drop-in for any KT88 or 6550 tube... bias your amp just as you would a KT88 and you're good to go! Sonically they are true to the Electo Harmonix brand; clear top end that is open but not bright or tizzy, tight bottom end, and a …
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KT90 - PoC-Net
The KT90 is a beam-power pentode primarily designed for use in audio frequency power amplifier applications. Anode dissipation rate is 50W, which provides for push-pull amplifiers utilization up to 110W output per pair, with 550V on the anode. Up to 160W per pair may be achieved with anode voltage of 750V and screen grid voltage of 600V.
KT90 opinions? - Steve Hoffman Music Forums
2015年3月26日 · I'm thinking if getting a quad of EH KT90's as I've heard they have a bit livelier and aggressive sound than Gold Lion KT88's I'm currently running. My system has a pretty rich midrange as it is and the KT90's may be what I'm looking for. Anyone have experience or opinions on these tubes?
Electro-Harmonix KT90EH Power Vacuum Tube (Matched)
The Electro Harmonix KT90-EH vacuum tube is a suitable replacement for any KT88 or 6550 power tube. This KT90 tube is an excellent quality tube and a solid performer in both hifi and guitar amps. The bass is solid and defined, mids are …
KT88 | KT90 | KT120 | KT150 Vacuum Power Tubes - thetubestore
We have a large selection of KT88, KT90, KT120, and KT150 vacuum tubes in stock with tube reviews submitted by our customers. Be sure to click the “Additional Info” tab when viewing a specific KT88, KT90, KT120 tube. There you will find related articles and downloads such as datasheets, pin-outs, ratings, and matching information when ...
KT90 - eierc.com
2002年1月12日 · KT90 is a beam-power pentode primarly designed for use in audio frequency power amplifier applications. Anode dissipation rate is 50W, which provides for push-pull amplifiers utilization up to 110W output per pair, with 550V on the anode. Up to 160W per pair may be achieved with anode voltage of 750V and screen grid voltage of 600V.
KT88 / KT90 / 6550 Tubes - valvesNmore
2021年6月9日 · High powered output tubes used when you want it LOUD.
6550 / KT88 / KT90 / KT120 tubes in stock now - tctubes.com …
Scroll down to browse our current selection of vintage 6550 tubes and burned in, tested, and precision matched new production 6550 power tubes. Click "more info" for pricing, availability, and matching options.