Research Concept Vehicle model E - KTH
The KTH Research Concept Vehicle model E is a rolling research and demonstration laboratory for vehicle research concerning sustainable transport systems. The purpose of the vehicle is to have a platform that is fully connected and automated where research results can be implemented and evaluated in real-life.
Research Concept Vehicle Platforms - KTH
The RCV platform was built in 2012 as a collaborative effort between ITM, SCI and EECS schools at KTH and funded soley by KTH own funding. The RCV-E platform was a joint project between ITRL and Ericsson and was built in 2017 just before the Mobile World Congress.
RCV-E: 5G remote driving demonstrations - KTH
Two new platforms called RCV-E have been developed utilizing the knowledge gained from the RCV built in 2012 but streamlined to include only the necessary functions of the powertrain but also include new functionality.
RCV-E platform - KTH
2023年5月11日 · Two new platforms called RCV-E will be developed and utilize the knowledge gained from the current RCV but will be streamlined to include only the necessary functions of the powertrain but also include new functionality.
txzhao/Model-Control-RCV: EL2425 Project - GitHub
The project basically includes two lines of work, namely the simulator of KTH Research Concept Vehicle (RCV) and the RCV field test run. For the simulator work, we modified an open-source simulator car_demo to make it compatible with the RCV.
为什么很多人觉得瑞典皇家理工很好? - 知乎
kth 最强的地方在于熟悉中国招生、中国大学体系。这种伯乐识千里马的能力可不常有,欧陆大学里,除了瑞士eth, epfl,只有kth有这种能力。 最菜的就是德国大学,二本和985一视同仁。
Hybrid A* Path Planner for the KTH Research Concept Vehicle
This repository contains the implementation of a Hybrid A* Path Planner for autonomous vehicles, specifically developed for the KTH Research Concept Vehicle. The Hybrid A* algorithm is a powerful path planning approach that combines the benefits of A* search in continuous space with a discretized set of headings.
Labs and Research Platforms | KTH
2023年5月11日 · Experimentation and demonstration of research results are important parts of ITRL's activities. This is why we have developed various laboratory and research platforms …
path_planner:Hybrid A* Path Planner for the KTH Research …
论文及相应代码的目标是为非霍尔动态研究概念车(RCV)创建实时路径规划算法。 算法使用装在车辆顶部的LIDAR生成的二进制障碍物地图作为输入。 由于实时要求,该算法使用C++编写,并结合ROS以确保模块化和可移植性,同时使用RViz作为可视化/模拟环境。 大部分实现与Dmitri Dolgov和Sebastian Thrun开发的混合A*算法密切相关(《未知半结构化环境中自主车辆的路径规划》DOI: 10.1177/0278364909359210) 要克隆、构建并启动包(需要ROS源环境),请运 …
ATRIUM analysis with AD-EYE and RCV-E - kth.diva-portal.org
2024年1月2日 · ATRIUM analysis with AD-EYE and RCV-E This repository contains code for the AD-EYE testbed for Automated Driving and Intelligent Transportation Systems, located at KTH Campus Valhallavägen, designe ...