1996 Ktm 620 Rxc - Adventure Rider
2003年4月25日 · Hi Josh, An FCR is a Keihin carburettor, 39 & 41mm sizes are commonly used on the 600+ KTM's. It is a flat slide pumper style carb which means you get very rapid …
Difference between LC4 620 and 640 motors? | Adventure Rider
2006年11月6日 · The 620 motor is indeed a 609cc. The stroke and bore are different, as is the primary gearing. The early non-electric start 620's had SEM ignitions and a very primitive …
KTM 620 vs 640 - Adventure Rider
2003年8月29日 · I have a 96 620 rxc, I put a larger IMS tank on it, fit up just fine and goes just under 200 miles. There's a few differences from 96 to 98 though besides electric start on the …
LC4 620 Problems - KTM Forums
2011年12月15日 · KTM Forums - Come meet sponsors, teams and the worldwide KTM forum community to discuss topics covering Super Duke, 500 EXC, RC8, KTM 690, 790, 990, 1190, …
1997 KTM 620 RXC ..is it worth it? - Adventure Rider
2006年12月8日 · The '97 620 RXC is more like a 40/60 and the 520 is a 10/90. The RXC rocks but I have one so I am biased. $2500 is a steal, it has a cush drive and counterbalancer plus e …
1998 ktm 620sc - Basic information - Adventure Rider
2014年8月23日 · Yes I'm a noob. Sorry if this is the wrong place to ask this, but I'm looking for model specific information on the 98 ktm 620sc that I recently purchased. The bike is …
1998 KTM 620 SC as adventure bike? Worth it?
2014年10月4日 · Thanks to anyone who takes time to respond to this. I have been looking at the 640 for a bit now, as it seems more exciting than a KLR, and not many bikes fit me at 6'4" (195 …
96 KTM 620 rxc Should I buy it? - Adventure Rider
2005年12月8日 · I had a 96' RXC 620. The bike did come with standard Marzzochi forks as Gaspipe says. I found that the green seals were the best replacements for the fork seal issue. …
'97 KTM 620 No Spark - Adventure Rider
2007年11月8日 · Sem ignitions on early lc4s ktms did give trouble.....do resistance tests on wiring loom that comes from stator....connections are under fuel tank,if your multi meter reads ohm …
1995 KTM 620 LC4 RXC Dual Sport? - Adventure Rider
2002年6月6日 · 1995 KTM 620 LC4 RXC Dual Sport $2900 Purchased new and religiously cared for, one adult owner. This is not a stock machine rather a very reliable, custom, open-class …