Ktm van - KTM Owners Forum
2022年10月19日 · Hello my fellow ktm owners. I thought that you guys could answer this question as lots of you own vans to transport your bikes. I want to purchase a van for my daily drive.
Moto vans only - Facebook
We will have a tray for the larger boxo tool box and the DCMX boxes. Pre-order is available now. It will be a 14 day lead time on the pre-orders but it WILL ship on that day or sooner because I hate false promises.
Box van toyhauler motorhome? - Adventure Rider
2013年12月8日 · The box van is nice if you buy one and use it all of the time. I have a Sprinter low roof 144" wb and it works fine for two bikes and all of the gear. I even stack 15 tires in front of the bikes when we go to a national event .
KTM's massive TRANSFORMATION from QUIRKY dirt bike maker …
2024年7月31日 · A long-time US KTM employee described in the early days when the head of the company mortgaged his house to buy some box vans. Contrast this to KTM's America...
可上路的终极赛道跑车,KTM X-Bow GT-XR正式发布 - 懂车帝
2022年9月11日 · 搭载奥迪奥迪汽车生产的2.5升5缸涡轮增压汽油引擎,KTM X-Bow GT-XR拥有500匹最大马力(引擎6,350转时产生)与581N·m(引擎5,550转时产生)的峰值扭力输出,搭配7速双离合器变速箱、限滑差速器以及后轮驱动设定,Bow GT-XR从静止加速至每小时100公里仅 …
Anyone keep a motorcycle in their van? : r/vandwellers - Reddit
I spent 9 months with a KTM 250 2 stroke in the back. I'd rather sleep outside myself than keep the bike outside so the bike had a place in the van. Worked great for me and I wouldn't change a thing
VLOG | 赛道试乘X-BOW,原厂最强EA888居然在一台“卡丁车” …
2020年5月29日 · 320马力和420牛·米,这几乎就是一台原厂最强EA888的数据,放上一台小钢炮上已经是相当完美的数据。 那么,如果放在一台车重仅有800公斤的KTM X-BOW R上又会是一种什么样的体验呢? 也许X-BOW R在上赛的圈数成绩并不惊艳,毕竟在这条F1赛道上,舒马赫曾经做出了1分32秒238的赛道记录。 与之相比,X-BOW R只能算是个乳臭未干的“弟弟”。 但与民用车相比,重量仅为80公斤的碳纤维座舱和铝制车架为X-BOW带来了极致轻量化的车身。 而位于座 …
van | KTM Owners Forum
2012年1月15日 · Guy's, I'm looking to get a van to convert and having sorted through most of the technical elements regarding the conversion, i'm still a bit undecided on...
5 Bikes in a Luton Box van? | KTM Owners Forum
2009年6月19日 · 5 Bikes in a Luton Box van? Jump to Latest Follow 733 views 14 replies
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