The connection housing DF2 can easily be combined with all DATAFLEX® torque meas-uring shafts disposing of a retainer for top hat rail assembly as well as terminal screws for an easy connection of external devices. The torque output can be filtered over 5 steps so that short torque peaks in the display can be reduced.
With the new size of DATAFLEX ® 42 KTR extend their range of precision measuring shafts for higher torques. Along with the well-established size of DATAFLEX® 16 and DATAFLEX® 32 measuring ranges from 10 Nm to 1000 Nm are covered now. With the new series the torque is measured using the approved technology of wire
KTR-DATAFLEX扭矩传感器-KTR联轴器-北京励磁 - ktrcn.com
DATAFLEX扭矩传感器是一种扭矩测量设备,有 11 种尺寸可供选择,可精确测量 10 Nm 至 20 kNm 的扭矩。 现代驱动技术及其可变和动态驱动无法想象没有精确测量扭矩和速度。 我们的扭矩传感器 DATAFLEX同时测量四个参数:扭矩、速度、扭转角和旋转方向。 扭矩的测量是通过经过认证的线应变计技术与最先进的电子元件相结合的。 扭矩信号由我们的扭矩传感器以非接触方式处理,分辨率为 24 位,精度达到最终值的 0.1%。 只需按一下按钮,即可将测量轴切换到第二 …
KTR hat eine Drehmomentmesswelle mit integrierter Drehzahlmessung entwickelt, die zusätzlich auch Drehwinkel und Drehrichtung ermittelt. Die Ergebnisse einer Drehmoment- und Drehzahlmessung geben nicht nur Aufschluss über das Niveau der …
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DATAFLEX - ktr.tw
接線盒df2可以方便地和所有規格的dataflex®扭力轉速測量儀相連接。接線 接線 盒可直接安裝在測試系統電控盒接線用導軌上,也可以通過螺絲固定在其他外部的
KTR-Group DATAFLEX 42/1000 Operating & Assembly Instructions - ManualsLib
Connection housing DF2 The connection housing DF2 has 12 screw terminals to connect power supply, display equipment and switches. The torque signal is displayed as proportional direct voltage from 0 …...
The KTR torque sensors type DATAFLEX® 16 to DATAFLEX® 110 cover a torque range from 10 Nm to 20,000 Nm. The torque is measured using the approved technology of wire strain gauges DMS while processing contactlessly with a revolution of 24 bits. Thus, the inaccuracy of torque measuring is reduced to less than 0.1 % of the measuring range.
DATAFLEX® is a maintenance-free torque measuring shaft with integrated speed measurement. In connection with the RADEX®-NC steel disc coupling it is a torsionally stiff double cardanic coupling with integrated measuring shaft. Read these instructions thoroughly before operating the measuring shaft.
锐评木风以及他的KTR2 - 百度贴吧
2024年10月9日 · 近期KTR2的消息来袭,木风群里又热闹了 ,本人一直在木风群里 1是之前购买过KTR 2是KTR群比较和谐 啥掌机都能聊 ,玩家之间也不拉踩,聊天氛围比较和谐。 木风只是有了想法 ,KTR2的文件夹也不知道有没有建,机器的雏形都没有 就开众筹了,这也算是他的老套路,也就这个能力,没钱嘛 ,KTR1因为其屏幕比例和造型收获了不少玩家喜爱,在865卖1288的情况下 木风的镁铝合金还能卖1999,可见屏幕和颜值对于掌机的重要性。 我知道会有玩家觉得 …
Torque measuring shaft type 32/... DATAFLEX® is a maintenance-free torque measuring shaft with two measuring ranges and integrated speed measurement. Combined with the steel …