Tomb of Seti I - Wikipedia
The tomb of Seti I, also known by its tomb number, KV17, is the tomb of Pharaoh Seti I of the Nineteenth Dynasty. Located in Egypt 's Valley of the Kings, It is also known by the names "Belzoni's tomb", "the Tomb of Apis", and "the Tomb of Psammis, son of Nechois".
Sety I - Theban Mapping Project
KV 17, located in the southeast branch of the Wadi, is the longest and deepest of all the tombs in the Valley of the Kings. It is the first tomb to be decorated with a complete program of religious texts.
KV17 (Tomb of Seti I) - Madain Project (en)
Tomb KV17, located in Egypt's Valley of the Kings, is the tomb of Pharaoh Seti I of the Nineteenth Dynasty. Also known by other names, "Belzoni's tomb", "the Tomb of Apis", and "the Tomb of Psammis, son of Nechois". It is one of the best decorated tombs in the valley, but now is almost always closed to the public due to damage.
KV-179 141分钟不间断拍摄,未剪辑剪辑,连续23次内射,长时间清洁口交和17 …
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Category : KV17 - Wikimedia
2018年6月2日 · English: Tomb KV17, located in Egypt's Valley of the Kings and also known by the names "Belzoni's tomb", "the Tomb of Apis", and "the Tomb of Psammis, son of Nechois", is the tomb of Pharaoh Seti I of the Nineteenth Dynasty. More...
Arte_Historia_Egipto: Tumba KV 17 de Seti I - Blogger
En la cámara funeraria de Seti I (KV 17), Belzoni encontró un sarcófago antropoide de calcita y el fragmento del pecho canópico, que ahora se exhibe en el Museo Soane en Londres. La tumba de Seti I consta de un total de siete corredores y diez cámaras, decoradas con decoración pintada en altorrelieve de la más alta calidad (con la excepción de Fa).
Goddess Hathor from the Tomb of Seti I (KV17) - Egypt Museum
New Kingdom, 19th Dynasty, c. 1294-1279 B.C. Tomb of Seti I (KV17), Valley of the Kings. The full piece is famously on display at the Musée du Louvre. N 124 ; B 7 ; Champollion n°1. Detail …
Tomb of Seti I – KV 17 – World Heritage Tour - cuicui.be
“The longest tomb in the valley, at almost 140 meters, it contains very well preserved reliefs in all but two of its eleven chambers and side rooms.” More on Wikipedia.
Visiter Tombeau de Séthi Ier - Préparez son voyage en Égypte
Le tombeau KV 17 a été utilisé comme sépulture pour le pharaon Séthi Ier dans la vallée des Rois, dans la nécropole thébaine sur la rive ouest du Nil face à Louxor en Égypte. C'est l'un des tombeaux les mieux décorés de la vallée, mais il est maintenant actuellement fermé à la visite normale en raison des dommages provoqués par ...
La tomba di Seti I (KV17) - FRAMMENTIARTE
2014年3月23日 · La tomba di Seti I, figlio di Ramesse I e padre di Ramesse II, per il suo buono stato di conservazione, viene considerata dagli esperti come la tomba più bella ed interessante. L’italiano Belzoni, suo scopritore, iniziava gli scavi il 16 ottobre del 1817 ai piedi di un ripido pendio, convinto di non fallire nell’impresa.