Kliment Voroshilov tank - Wikipedia
A KV-1 or KV-2 tank (accounts vary) advanced far behind the German lines after attacking a column of German trucks. The tank stopped on a road across soft ground and was engaged by four 50 mm anti-tank guns of the anti-tank battalion of the 6th Panzer Division. The tank was hit many times but returned fire, disabling all four guns.
KV1: 122mm Vs 85mm kv1到底用什么炮? - 哔哩哔哩
122毫米的话金弹有惊人的300多伤害但是很多人都不买金币弹,那就只剩高爆了,尽管伤害大但是打不穿有些敌人。 122炮比较稳重适合亚服,锁定一个目标然后等他缩圈一发入魂之后填装锁定下一个目标。 122炮适合打近距离伸缩战. 2:85毫米炮. 85毫米F30. 85炮适合欧服,毛子和美国人尤其喜欢开局所有坦克直接从地图中间直冲敌人(连火炮都去! )如果你不跟他们走他们会骂你甚至能死你! 玩欧服需要一个很强的应变能力(一般一局也就打几分钟)没有时间去等你缩圈填 …
KV-1 - Tank Encyclopedia
2014年6月30日 · The Soviet KV-1 was the standard WW2 Soviet heavy tank, with tremendous armor and decent firepower.
简析苏联坦克歼击车与自行火炮#3:IS突击炮家族(二战) - 哔哩 …
KV-1 - Global wiki. Wargaming.net
The KV-1 also offers a generous selection of guns: a rapid-firing and highly accurate 57mm, an extremely powerful but relatively unreliable 122mm howitzer, or a hard-hitting 85mm which mediates between the two.
KV1用122mm主炮效果怎么样? - 百度贴吧
不要打AP弹和HEAT弹,用HE弹,只要打中就有伤害,可以秒杀小车。 122炮打HE,进了7级房比多数时候85炮更加实用! 5、6级房表现差一点!
Right tank,wrong gun - KV-1 122mm | wot blitz - YouTube
2019年12月8日 · Right tank,wrong gun, KV-1 122mm, wot blitz The kv-1, a tier 5 russian heavy, is a very popular tank in wotb, but the 122mm is not so popular. Let's have a look at why.
Did the 122mm on the kv-1s get removed? : r/WorldofTanks - Reddit
As of Update 1.9, the KV-1S was brought back to Tier6 without the big 122mm main gun. You now have two legacy vehicles that represent the old KV-1S: One is the Tier 7 premium KV-122 featuring the Tier 8, IS gun. One is "Historical" (off the …
【坦克世界】kv-1s用什么炮比较好?新手求助 - 百度知道
2012年9月27日 · 新手求助用终极122mm炮—D-25-T(螺栓)这门炮使得KV-1S成为6级最强大的坦克之一,其175的穿深及400+的伤害,让7级车也畏惧其能力。 这炮喷到8级车侧后,也能造成非常大的伤害。
KV-1 (Klimenti Voroshilov) Heavy Tank - Military Factory
2019年5月22日 · In 1938, the Soviet Union developed a prototype heavy tank of 58 tons designated as the T-100. The type was a massive machine fitting two individual turrets - one armed with a 76.2mm main gun and the other with a 45mm cannon - and required a crew of up to eight personnel.
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