KV57 - Wikipedia
Tomb KV57 is the royal tomb of Horemheb, the last pharaoh of the Eighteenth Dynasty and is located in the Valley of the Kings, Egypt. The tomb was located by Edward Ayrton in February 1908 for Theodore Davis. Due to its location in the valley floor, the tomb was filled with debris that had washed down during occasional flash-flooding.
Horemheb - Theban Mapping Project
Door bolt hole and traces of original plaster sealing on outer gate thickness. Recesses and modern stairs.
KV57 (Tomb of Horemheb) - Madain Project (en)
The tomb KV57 is the royal (Theban) tomb of Horemheb, the last pharaoh of the Eighteenth Dynasty and is located in the Valley of the Kings, Egypt. Before ascending to the throne of Egypt he was one of the two advisors of boy king Tutankhmun; other being Ai.
Tomb of Horemheb (KV 57) - Main Destinations in Egypt : Luxor, …
Tomb KV 57 is remarkably well-preserved, and its decorations are some of the most important in the Valley of the Kings. It is 128 meters long and covers over 473 square metes. This tomb marks a transition between earlier tombs, whose axes made a right-angle turn, and the straight-line, single-axis tombs of the later New Kingdom.
帝王谷,霍伦赫布(Horemheb)墓(KV57) - 知乎专栏
底比斯墓葬 KV 57 是 霍伦海布 (Horemheb,也译为哈伦海布)的第二座已知墓葬,仅次于位于塞加拉(Saqqara,又译为 萨卡拉,位于开罗以南)的墓葬,其历史可以追溯到他任职法老图坦卡蒙手下大元帅的时候。 埃及-卢克索-帝王谷,霍伦赫布 (Horemheb)墓(KV57) (墓室壁画里的霍伦赫布法老王名圈:椭圆圈里的象形文字)(khor46) 他被认为是享有盛誉的第 18 王朝的第 15 位也是最后一位法老,在此期间,埃及将或多或少控制整个近东和努比亚。 在他之后,实际 …
2018埃及行前準備PART2【帝王谷必看】 - 溫蒂趴趴走-跟 ...
2017年12月10日 · KV57 霍朗赫布(Horemheb) 第十八王朝第13任法老. 全長128公尺,入口處為驟降的陡峭階梯 墓穴有未完成的部分(Chamber J), 正好可以看到壁畫製作的過程: 用紅筆打草稿→用黑筆修正→雕刻→上色 KV57觀看重點: ①法老與眾神 ②星空 ③通道之書(Book of …
Tomb of Horemheb (KV 57) | Luxor, Egypt - Lonely Planet
Horemheb, who was not of royal birth, ruled for 28 years and restored the cult of Amun. This tomb was discovered filled with ransacked pieces of the royal funerary equipment, including a number of wooden figurines that were taken to the Egyptian Museum in Cairo. Horemheb (1323–1295 BC) brought stability after the turmoil of Akhenaten’s reign.
The Ancient Egypt: KV57 – Tomb of Horemhab .. Part ( 27 )
2017年4月27日 · A group of faint graffiti noted years ago by the English Egyptologist Alan Gardiner at the entrance to the tomb of Horemheb ( KV57 ) may offer a clue . The first of these texts refers to the carrying out of an unspecified " command " of the high priest of Amun, Herihor, in the per djet ( burial chamber ?
Tomb KV57 - Landious Travel
Tomb KV57 is the royal tomb of Horemheb, the last pharaoh of the Eighteenth Dynasty and is located in the Valley of the Kings, Egypt. Edward Ayrton located the tomb in February 1908 for Theodore Davis.
Geo-environmental monitoring and 3D finite elements stability …
2021年2月8日 · Underground safety analysis of the KV57 is performed using finite element (FE) method. The research provides a comprehensive study to analyze the safety of rock tombs.