How to identify early 80's KX80? - Kawasaki Motorcycle Forums
2008年3月31日 · I recently got an older 1980's kx80. The man did not remember the year, told me early 80's. I need to order a magneto cover and need to know the exact year. I was wondering …
KX80 VIN & Engine Number help needed! - Kawasaki Motorcycle …
2009年10月26日 · KX80-V# which is 79cc 79cc engines have numbers beginning KX080SE 82cc engines have numbers beginning KX080RE
Anyone know the correct float adjustment on kx80, PE28mm
2007年10月2日 · Hi. I'm trying to tune the carb. I was given the bike and it does not run right. Anyways, I would like to check the float adjustment. I have a 89' KX80 with PE28mm carb. I …
KX80 powerband prob? - Kawasaki Motorcycle Forums
2007年4月16日 · the carb on my 95' kx100 is a keihin pe-26 it is a 26mm the newer kx100's use a pwk28 28mm...by measuring the front opening where it plugs into the cylinder intake boot that …
KX 80-KX 125 Differences? | Kawasaki Motorcycle Forums
2007年6月17日 · Here is a KX80: Engine: 2-stroke single w/KIPS Displacement: 82cc Bore x Stroke: 48.0 x 45.8mm Cooling: Liquid Carburetion: Keihin PE26 Induction: Crankcase reed …
KX80 Kick start wont move. - Kawasaki Motorcycle Forums
2007年11月10日 · KX80 Kick start wont move. Jump to Latest 8.5K views 11 replies 3 participants last post by YurFatMom Nov 12, 2007
KX80/85 spark plug choice | Kawasaki Motorcycle Forums
2007年4月7日 · By the book I'm supposed to be using NGK R6254K-105's in my kids 2000 KX80 and 2006 KX85. Is there a down side or problems with running the older B8EG's of B9EG's …
2000 KX80 ignition settings | Kawasaki Motorcycle Forums
2007年5月4日 · 2000 KX80 ignition settings Jump to Latest 16K views 8 replies 4 participants last post by olebuch May 5, 2007
86 kx80 carb/jet settings??????? - Kawasaki Motorcycle Forums
2010年7月3日 · Bikes: 95' KX250 2003 KX60 2005 KTM 50 Pro Senior LC 2001 JR50
2000 kx80 wont start | Kawasaki Motorcycle Forums
2009年11月21日 · just done a top end rebuild on my kx80,cylinder has been replated put in new piston, rings,gaskets and plug, the problem is i put it all together and it fired up 1st time and …