1999 Kawasaki KX80W2 - 82cc Standard Equipment & Specs - J.D.
Research 1999 Kawasaki KX80W2 - 82cc standard equipment and specifications at J.D. Power.
Used Kawasaki Kx 80 Motorcycles For Sale - Cycle Trader
2020年3月17日 · Looking to buy a used Kawasaki Kx motorcycle? Browse our extensive inventory of used Kawasaki Kx motorcycles from local Kawasaki dealers and private sellers. Compare …
Kawasaki KX80 2-Stroke - mxtv bike test - Kawasaki 1983 kx80 versus ...
Kawasaki KX80 2-Stroke - mxtv bike test - kawasaki 1983 kx80 versus 2016 kx85 Review 2021Here is the second installment of the wonderful 80cc 2-stroke dirt b...
Kawasaki KX80 Specs and Review: Off-Road Dirt Bike
2021年10月22日 · Despite being characteristically detuned compared to adult-size motocrossers, this beginner-rate wheeler is still formidable in its own right. It has considerable ground clearance, incredible power, and a 75-mph (121 km/h) top-speed rating that bests even 125-cc bikes. The KX80’s attributes more than compensate for its late entry into the segment.
Kawasaki KX80 - Wikipedia
It is a single cylinder, liquid cooled 2 stroke running at 32:1 fuel ratio with a wet clutch, 6 speed transmission. Unpretentious and inclusive, this small, powerful two-wheeler boasted an advertised 20hp, a 13-inch ground clearance, 75-mph(121 km/h) top speed stock. Uses 10w-40 wet clutch oil as crank case oil. [2]
Kawasaki KX80 series data catalogue - MotorbikeCatalog
Catalogue of Kawasaki KX80 series models, production years and versions in motorbikecatalog.
1999 Kawasaki KX80 (KX80-W2) OEM Parts
Shop our large selection of 1999 Kawasaki KX80 (KX80-W2) OEM Parts, original equipment manufacturer parts and more online or call at (231)737-4542
KAWASAKI KX80 零件和技术规格 - Webike Japan
查看 KAWASAKI KX80 规格及零配件。 日本在线商店摩托车配件及配件。 提供来自日本的全球航运。
カワサキ(KAWASAKI) KX80-2の型式・スペックならバイクブ …
カワサキ(kawasaki) kx80-2の型式・バイクカタログ・諸元表・詳細なスペック情報を、年式・モデル別に見ることができます。
1982 Kawasaki KX80 series full range specs - MotorbikeCatalog
All Kawasaki KX80 series versions offered for the year 1982 with complete specs, performance and technical data in the catalogue of motorbikes