Kamov Ka-50 - Wikipedia
The Kamov Ka-50 "Black Shark" (Russian: Чёрная акула, romanized: Chyornaya akula, English: kitefin shark), NATO reporting name Hokum A, is a Soviet/Russian single-seat attack …
卡-50攻擊直升機 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
卡-50「黑鯊」武装直升机 (英語: Ka-50)是苏联及俄罗斯的一型单座双发 共轴双三桨旋翼 (英语:Coaxial rotors) 多用途武装直升机。 卡-50武装直升机是世界上第一型 同軸反轉螺旋槳 …
卡-50武装直升机 - 百度百科
卡-50武装直升机是世界上第一型共轴双旋翼武装直升机,也是世界上首型采用单人座舱的近距支援武装直升机,还是第一型装备弹射救生座椅的直升机 [3],依照世界各国直升机划代标准属于 …
(转载)共轴之殇-Ka-50/52直升机的是是非非 - 知乎专栏
经过和Mi-28的激烈竞争,Ka-50展示出了多项优势,顺利获胜,进入了小批量生产。 增强全天候作战能力的Ka-50N和双座型Ka-52也在紧锣密鼓的发展中。 一切看起来都很美好。
直升机科普——Kamov Ka-50黑鲨(短吻鳄)攻击直升机及其改型
Ka-50的反坦克武器是AT-16 Vikhr-M激光制导空对地反坦克导弹,该导弹的射程接近五英里,速度达1.8马赫。Ka-50及其两座版本Ka-52和Su-25T“蛙足”都能使用此导弹。此外,Ka-50还有望 …
Ka-50 Black Shark (Hokum) Attack Helicopter - Airforce …
The Ka-50 Black Shark helicopter, developed by Kamov Helicopters JSC, carries the Nato codename Hokum A, with Hokum B the two-seat version, Ka-52. Ka-50 is also known as …
ODIN - OE Data Integration Network
The Ka-50, also nicknamed the Chernaya Akula (Black Shark) was a Soviet attack helicopter. Its NATO reporting name was Hokum. The Ka-50 was planned as a rival to the Mi-28 in a …
Kamov Ka 50 Hokum: Russia’s Attack Helicopter Tech
2024年11月6日 · The Kamov Ka-50, also known as the “Black Shark” or by its NATO reporting name “Hokum A,” is a highly advanced Russian single-seat attack helicopter.
Kamov Ka-50 & Ka-60 - AirVectors
The initial version of the Ka-50 was effectively a day-only / clear weather machine, the intent being to then enhance its night / all weather combat capability, to produce a "Ka-50N" -- "N" …
Kamov Ka-50 Black Shark Specs, Cockpit, and Price
The Kamov Ka-50 is the world's first operational helicopter with a rescue ejection system, which allows pilots to escape at all heights and speeds. The K-37-800 rocket-assisted ejection …