KA-BAR Knives - BladeForums.com
2011年8月13日 · Ka-Bar Kollector Klub Knives 1976-2005 nutoknives; Dec 31, 2011; 2 3. Replies 45 Views 84K. Nov 15, 2023 ...
Ka-bar knives longer time review | BladeForums.com
2020年6月22日 · 1. ka-bars are fine knives. Given political correctness in my urban environment, I do not carry a fixed blade. 2. There is one large "go to box" of first line fixed blades . Two ka-bar Mark 2 knives sit in the steel box with some other knives. 3. You would have to look hard for a review of the Mark2.
Ka Bar for Bushcraft? - Bushcraft USA Forums
2012年6月6日 · You have 2 Moras. You do not need a Ka-Bar. If you want to baton a knife, baton the Moras. They will stand up to it and come back looking for more. The edge and blade geometry on a Mora mean they will cut well even when dull. Now, I love Ka-Bar and their brand. I would not put a scandi grind on a Ka-Bar. Sure, a steeper bevel, but not a full ...
Need help pinning down age of Ka-Bar | BladeForums.com
2013年2月17日 · The easy way to tell the newer (1976-now) KA-BAR 1217 knives from the original WW2 models is the size and thickness of the lettering. Only the 1976 and newer ones have the really thick deep stampings, you can spot them a mile away. The letters on the WW2 knives are very thin compared to the more recent ones.
Which is better: The Ka Bar Marine or the Camillus?
2000年6月6日 · The KA-BAR feels better in my hand, due to the thinner, more profiled grip. Both knives use 1095 steel, and are the same thickness, and pretty much the same profile, although there is a little difference at close comparison. The KA-BAR has a black epoxy paint finish, the Camillus is milspec parkerizing.
Ka-Bar Kollector Klub Knives 1976-2005 - BladeForums.com
2011年3月27日 · The start of the Ka-bar Collector's Club was formed in 1976 with the release of the 200th Anniversary USMC Knife, Some say it all started with the release of the 1973 Vietnam memorial USMC knife or at the very least that is the knife that sparked the new found interest of Ka-Bar and the company getting new people started with collecting of ...
Anyone tried the Kabar Mark I knife | Bushcraft USA Forums
2012年2月1日 · The Ka-Bar Mk I is a good design, by a well known manufacturer, and is an excellent choice for a tactical knife. I just think the BK-2 is a better big knife, and neither of them can claim to be a small knife for bushcraft use. All depends on the way you envision using the blade, in the long run. If it works for you, all is golden.
Old (?) Ka-bar traditional pocket knives, anyone still has and uses ...
2011年5月21日 · I'm not really sure if Ka-bar still produces any traditional knife patterns other than the Doghead series? Anyway, here's an overview... Top to bottom: Ka-bar 1100 large stockman, Ka-bar 1026 jack knife (swell end?), Ka-bar 1019 Peanut, and a Ka-bar 1071 small stockman (? yet the body has a different shape than the large one). Blades opened:
The Kabar Collector Yearly CK Knives | BladeForums.com
2011年3月27日 · The CK79 ( 1 of 750 ) 1st CK annual Knife of Ka-Bar Collectors Club The First Knife of This Post Features Are : Genuine India Stag Handle's Bare End Lockback Club Banner and Member Number Etched Blade 1186 Frame THE CK80 ( 1 of 2162 ) Features Are : Gunstock 2 Bladed Ka-wood...
Steel used in Original Ka-Bar - BladeForums.com
2010年3月5日 · For Sale by Individuals Buck Knives For Sale Busse / Swamprat / Scrapyard Knives For Sale Chris Reeve Knives for sale Carothers Performance Knives For Sale For Sale: Fixed Blades (Individual) For Sale: Folding Knives (Individual) For Sale: Automatic Knives (Individual) For Sale: Axes, Hatchets & Tomahawks For Sale: Traditionals, Slipjoints ...