Kamov Ka-31 - Wikipedia
The Kamov Ka-31 (NATO reporting name Helix) is a military helicopter originally developed for the Soviet Navy and currently in service in Russia, China, and India in the naval airborne early warning and control role.
卡-31预警直升机 - 百度百科
卡-31可在简单或复杂气候条件下24小时昼夜使用,主要用于探测4570~3200米高度的空中目标,更高高度的目标则由舰载雷达探测。 卡-31机载雷达可同时发现200个战斗机类目标,并跟踪其中的20个,一小时内巡逻范围25万平方千米。
卡-31直升机 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
KA-31 卡莫夫 - 31 (简称 卡-31, 北约代号 “ 蜗牛 ”,“ Helix ”)是为 前苏联海军 研制的军用 直升机,目前在 俄罗斯, 印度 和 中华人民共和国 海军 担任 预警机。 卡-31由 卡-27 机型发展而来。 继承了卡莫夫家族之前的设计风格,采用 共轴螺旋桨 的 旋翼 设计。 一个直观的外观设计是机身下安装有一部 预警 雷达,这是一个可以折叠收放或者旋转工作的大型雷达。 另外,为了避免影响到雷达的工作,采用了可收放的 起落架。 驾驶舱内笨重的飞行指示系统也得到了更换。 卡莫夫 …
Ka-31 Radar Picket Airborne Early Warning (AEW) Helicopter
2004年8月23日 · The airframe of the Ka-31 is based on the proven and highly successful Ka-27; one visually distinctive feature of the Ka-31 is the large antenna of the early warning radar, which is either rotating or folded and stowed under the fuselage. The landing gear retracts in order to prevent interference with the radar.
2022年10月8日 · 这一套动力系统可以让长11.6米、宽3.8米、高5.5米、空重5.52吨的Ka-31舰载预警机实现220公里/小时的巡航速度,最大速度可以达到250公里/小时,机内储备的燃油可以提供680公里的续航里程,正常作战半径150千米。
苏联 Ka-31 Helix 螺旋 预警直升机 - 哔哩哔哩
2023年11月4日 · Ka -31 的特色是预警雷达的大型天线,它可以旋转或折叠并存放在机身下方。 起落架可缩回,以防止干扰雷达。 1985 年,苏联海军要求卡莫夫设计局开始研发一架预警直升机。
Kamov Ka-31 Helix Specs, Radar, Cockpit, and Price
The Ka-31 airframe is based on a proven and very successful Ka-27. A visual characteristic of the Ka-31 is the large antenna of the early warning radar, which can be rotated or folded and stored under the fuselage. This helicopter is also equipped with a reverse landing gear to prevent interference with radar. Overall, the Ka-31 helicopter is ...
Kamov Ka-31 (Helix) - Military Factory
2020年7月30日 · The Kamov Ka-31 "Helix" series of medium-lift navalized helicopters was born out of a Soviet Navy need for an interim Airborne Early Warning platform while resources went to the proposed dedicated Antonov An-71 "Madcap".
Kamov Ka-31 - Price, Specs, Photo Gallery, History - Aero Corner
The Kamov Ka-31 is a Russian military aircraft that has been in service since 1982. It was designed to be an airborne early warning helicopter and is equipped with radar and infrared detectors. The Ka-31 can also carry and launch anti-ship missiles against surface targets, making it a versatile vehicle…
Ka-31 Helix-B - GlobalSecurity.org
2011年9月7日 · Ka-31 helicopter is intended for long-range detection of air targets of a fixed-wing/helicopter type, including detection at low altitudes, and over-waters ships, their tracking and automatic...
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