Kamov Ka-50 - Wikipedia
The Kamov Ka-50 "Black Shark" (Russian: Чёрная акула, romanized: Chyornaya akula, English: kitefin shark), NATO reporting name Hokum A, is a Soviet/Russian single-seat attack helicopter with the distinctive coaxial rotor system of the Kamov design bureau.
卡-50攻擊直升機 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
卡-50「黑鯊」武装直升机 (英語: Ka-50)是苏联及俄罗斯的一型单座双发 共轴双三桨旋翼 多用途武装直升机。 卡-50武装直升机是世界上第一型 同軸反轉螺旋槳 武装直升机,也是世界上首型采用单人座舱的近距支援武装直升机,还是第一型装备弹射救生座椅的直升机,依照世界各国直升机划代标准属于第三代的级别。 作为俄罗斯下一代反坦克直升机,得益於重型武装直升机的規格,还可用于执行反舰、反潜、搜索和救援、电子侦察等任务。 卡-50武装直升机是苏联 卡莫夫设计 …
直升机科普——Kamov Ka-50黑鲨(短吻鳄)攻击直升机及其改型
具备夜间功能的Ka-50以Ka-50N和Ka-50Sh类型的形式出现,配备有FLIR和附在俄罗斯或法国起源的航空电子设备上的电光瞄准器。 Ka-50-2代表了基于ka-52“短吻鳄”的三种出口产品
Ka-50 Black Shark (Hokum) Attack Helicopter - Airforce …
The Ka-50 Black Shark helicopter, developed by Kamov Helicopters JSC, carries the Nato codename Hokum A, with Hokum B the two-seat version, Ka-52. Ka-50 is also known as Werewolf. It is a high-performance combat helicopter with day and night capability, high survivability and fire power to defeat air targets and heavily armoured tanks armed ...
Kamov Ka 50 Hokum: Russia’s Attack Helicopter Tech
2024年11月6日 · Syria: During Russia’s intervention in Syria (2015–present), the Ka-52 played a key role in providing close air support for Russian ground forces and Syrian government troops. Its ability to operate at night and in harsh desert conditions made it invaluable for precision strikes against insurgent positions.
Ka-50“黑鲨”作为直升机“鳄鱼”的原型 - zh-cn.topwar.ru
2023年1月17日 · 俄罗斯的 Ka-52 短吻鳄是当今世界上最好的侦察和攻击直升机之一。 Kamov JSC 开发的旋翼飞行器在 NMD 期间成功摧毁了装甲车和敌方人力。 此外,鳄鱼在叙利亚行动中证明了自己,直升机实际上在那里接受了第一次炮火洗礼。
Aircraft Museum - Ka-50 and Ka-52 'Hokum' - Aerospaceweb.org
2009年9月18日 · The Kamov Ka-50 was designed as the world's first single-seat attack helicopter. Although Kamov had originally developed its coaxial rotor scheme (two counter-rotating rotors on the same shaft) for use aboard ships due its compact size, the design team chose to retain the layout for this ground-based helicopter.
The Kamov Ka-50 Black Shark Helicopter - PropTors
In this article, we will explore the history, design, and capabilities of the Kamov Ka-50 Black Shark helicopter. The Kamov Ka-50 Black Shark was developed in the 1980s as a replacement for the aging Mi-24 attack helicopter.
俄製ka-50攻擊直升機 - youth.com.tw
Ka-50 是目前公認最適合直升機空戰的戰鬥直升機,分單座型與雙座型( Ka-52 )。全機身均有裝甲保護,尤其座艙、發動機及油箱等部分更是加強裝甲等級,存活性遠優於一般攻擊直升機。
‘Black Sharks’ and other Russian helicopters in battle (PHOTOS)
The Kamov Ka-50 “Black Shark” is a single-seat attack helicopter with a coaxial configuration of two rotors, making it a powerful chopper. It’s the world’s first operational helicopter with a...