KA3843B_onsemi(安森美)_KA3843B中文资料_PDF手册_价格-立创 …
KA3843B由onsemi (安森美)设计生产,立创商城现货销售。 KA3843B价格参考¥2.44。 onsemi (安森美) KA3843B参数名称:工作电压:12V~25V;开关频率:500kHz;最大占空比:97%;工作温度:0℃~+70℃@ (TA)。 下载KA3843B中文资料、引脚图、Datasheet数据手册,有AC-DC控制器和稳压器详细引脚图及功能的应用电路图电压和使用方法及教程。
KA3843B Datasheet (PDF) - Fairchild Semiconductor
The KA3842B/KA3843B/KA3844B/KA3845B are fixed frequency current-mode PWM controller. They are specially designed for Off - Line and DC-to-DC converter applications with minimum …
Controllers | KA3843B - onsemi
The KA3842B/KA3843B/KA3844B/KA3845B are fixed frequency current-mode PWM controller. They are specially designed for Off-Line and DC-to-DC converter applications with minimum external components.
The KA3842B/KA3843B/KA3844B/KA3845B are fixed frequency current-mode PWM controller. They are specially designed for Off - Line and DC-to-DC converter applications with minimum external components.
KA3843B onsemi / Fairchild | Mouser - Mouser Electronics
KA3843B onsemi / Fairchild Switching Controllers PWM Control IC datasheet, inventory, & pricing.
KA3843B Fairchild Semiconductor | Integrated Circuits (ICs)
KA3843B – Converter Offline Topology Up to 500kHz 8-DIP from Fairchild Semiconductor. Pricing and Availability on millions of electronic components from Digi-Key Electronics.
【KA3843B】产品参数介绍、KA3843B数据手册、中英文PDF资料 …
KA3842B和KA3844B具有的欠压闭锁 (UVLO)阈值为16V(开)和10V(关),KA3843B和KA3845B为8.5V(开)和7.9V(关),KA3842B和KA3843B可在100%占空比范围内进行操作。 KA3844B和KA3845B可使用50%的占空比进行操作。 电子发烧友网为你提供 ()KA3843B相关产品参数、数据手册,更有KA3843B的引脚图、接线图、封装手册、中文资料、英文资料,KA3843B真值表,KA3843B管脚等资料,希望可以帮助到广大的电子工程师们。
Controllers | KA3843B - onsemi.cn
KA3842B和KA3844B具有的欠压闭锁 (UVLO)阈值为16V(开)和10V(关),KA3843B和KA3845B为8.5V(开)和7.9V(关),KA3842B和KA3843B可在100%占空比范围内进行操作。 KA3844B和KA3845B可使用50%的占空比进行操作。 Product services, tools and other useful resources related to KA3843B. 如需购买产品或样品,请先登录您的安森美账号。 Loading... 如果你希望对这款 安森美 产品作进一步了解,欢迎点击下方提交表格联系我们的销售团队。
KA3843B onsemi | 集成电路(IC) | DigiKey
来自 onsemi 的 KA3843B – 离线转换器 拓扑 最高 500kHz 8-DIP。 DigiKey 提供数以百万计电子元器件的定价和供应信息。
KA3843B onsemi Power Management (PMIC) | 500kHz 12V~25V …
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