KaVo ProXam 3DQ
The KaVo ProXam 3DQ X-ray unit is a premium product in the KaVo imaging portfolio and combines all the qualities of extraoral KaVo ProXam 3D and 2D imaging with an even greater volume. With additional, preconfigured programmes, the KaVo ProXam 3DQ offers even more diagnostic possibilities and a large number of ENT applications.
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KaVo launches the high-speed contra-angle MASTERmatic LUX M45 L with a unique head/knee angle combination for optimum visiblity in the molar area. The CoolHead technology and the optimized spray water of this new contra-angle handpiece ensure even greater patient safety during treatments.
All-in-One Imaging Software Romexis | KaVo Dental
Romexis is the all-in-one software for any size of practice and all dental specialties. Perfectly matched to the entire KaVo ProXam imaging portfolio, both small practices and clinics benefit from Romexis.
DEXIS OP 3D Pro Panorex + Cone Beam - Renew Digital, LLC
The DEXIS (formerly KaVo) OP 3D Pro panoramic + CBCT system features the latest in 2D and 3D imaging technology, combining high-quality panoramic and bitewing X-rays with large field of view (13 x 15 cm) cone beam images.
口腔CBCT:崛起中的国产力量_Kavo - 搜狐
2019年9月10日 · 口腔CBCT(Cone beam CT,简称CBCT),即锥形束投照计算机重组断层影像设备,其原理是X线发生器以较低的射线量(通常球管电流在10毫安左右)围绕投照体做环形数字式投照; 然后将围绕投照体多次(180-360次,依产品不同而异)数字投照后“交集”中所获得的数 …
KAVO OP 3D PRO USER MANUAL Pdf Download | ManualsLib
4.12 3D Automatic Dose Control (ADC) With OP 3D Pro medium panel units, it is possible to take CBCT exposure with Automatic Dose Control with Endo, High and Standard resolutions. With Low Dose resolution 3D ADC cannot be utilized.
KaVo 3D eXam - 百度文库
KaVo 3D eXam三维影像系统是全球市场的领导者。 它是独一无二的口腔锥形束影像系统,它是市场上最灵巧的CBCT系统,投照时可进行投照视野和投照剂量的选择。
德国KaVo 3D eXam CBCT-优德口腔 - xaydkq.com
德国 KaVo 的品牌效应在牙科行业犹如汽车中的奔驰,是高端高质的象征,在 CBCT 领域更是最牛的两个品牌之一,价值百万,每年的保养维护费用也跟百万级豪车相当。该设备几分钟内就可以将口腔内的所有硬组织以三维立体的形式呈现出来,医生只需要使用鼠标 ...
CBCT用三维锥形束X线扫描代替传统CT的二维扇形束扫描,其最大区别在于体层CT的投影数据是一维的,重建后的图像数据是二维的,重组的三维图像是连续多个二维切片堆积而成的,其图像金属伪影较重。 而CBCT的投影数据是二维的,重建后直接得到三维图像。 此外CBCT层厚可薄至0.1mm,对于牙齿或颌骨等硬组织结构成像质量更好。 CBCT在口腔科的应用: 1.口腔种植:CBCT扫描可准确分析植入区的骨质、骨量、骨密度及与神经血管的关系,临床医生不仅可 …
Extraorales Röntgen mit KaVo ProXam 3D | KaVo Dental
The KaVo ProXam 3D offers state-of-the-art, three‑dimensional maxillofacial imaging at the highest level, including numerous additional options for creating 2D panoramic, extraoral bitewing and cephalometric images.