Kātyāyana (Buddhist) - Wikipedia
Kātyāyana or Mahākātyāyana (Sanskrit; Pali: Kaccāyana, sometimes shortened to Kaccāna; also Mahākaccāna, or Mahākaccāyana) was a disciple of Gautama Buddha. He is listed as one of …
Kaccana, Kaccāna, Kaccānā: 3 definitions - Wisdom Library
2025年1月31日 · Kaccana - A Sakiyan princess, daughter of Devadahasakka of Devadaha and sister of Anjanasakka. She married Sihahanu and had five sons and two daughters: …
Maha Kaccana: Master of Doctrinal Exposition - Access to Insight
Maha Kaccana is regarded as the author of a method of exposition embedded in two post-canonical works that exerted an important influence on the early Buddhist commentators. …
Mahākātyāyana - Encyclopedia of Buddhism
Mahākātyāyana (P. Mahākaccāna; T. ka tya'i bu chen po ཀ་ཏྱའི་བུ་ཆེན་པོ་; C. moheji-azhanyan 摩訶迦旃延), also known as Kātyāyana (P. Kaccāna, Kaccāyana), was one of the ten principal …
Maha-Kaccana - Access to Insight
How to cite this document (a suggested style): "Maha-Kaccana" (Thag 8.1), translated from the Pali by Bhikkhu Bodhi. Access to Insight (BCBS Edition), 4 August 2010, …
向智长老:佛陀的圣弟子传 六 论议第一 马哈咖吒亚那 01 前言
因此,我们在巴利藏经中发现马哈咖吒亚那 (Mahakaccayana)所说的许多开示,它占有非常重要的地位。 这些典籍,在方法学上都很精致,分析得都很透彻,对于那些隐晦涵意所做的解释, …
Maha Kaccana: Introduction - Tibetan Buddhist Encyclopedia
As a skilled and versatile teacher with mastery over pedagogic technique, the Buddha adopted different styles of presentation to communicate the Dhamma to his disciples. Often he would …
Katyayana - Tibetan Buddhist Encyclopedia
Kātyāyana was a disciple of Gautama Buddha. In Sanskrit his name is Kātyāyana (कात्यायन) or Mahākātyāyana (महाकात्यायन); in Pāli Kaccāna (or Kaccāyana), or Mahākaccāna; and …
SN 12:15 Kaccānagotta Sutta | To Kaccāna Gotta | dhammatalks.org
“By & large, Kaccāna, this world 1 is supported by [takes as its object] a polarity, that of existence & non-existence. But when one sees the origination 2 of the world as it has come to be with …
Mahā Kaccāna, Kaccāyana - Palikanon
One of the most eminent disciples of the Buddha, considered chief among expounders in full of the brief saying of the Buddha, (sankhittena bhāsitassa vitthārena attham vibhajantānam) …