APEC BUSINESS TRAVEL CARD - Jabatan Imigresen Malaysia
Depending on the pre-clearance process of all APEC economies participating in the ABTC Scheme, a minimum of (3-6) months or more. Application for printing APEC Business Travel Card is as follows: Card printing process time: One (1) working day. Photo replacement. In case of loss of APEC card, please submit:
Skim Kad Perjalanan Perniagaan APEC atau APEC Business Travel Card (ABTC) Scheme merupakan antara inisiatif Kerjasama Ekonomi Asia-Pasifik (APEC) melalui platform Business Mobility Group (BMG)
3 天之前 · To qualify for the APEC Business Travel Card, the applicant must be actively involved in business that requires them to frequently commute to the countries concerned. Pre-Clearances or approval by the participating countries will be channeled through the ABTC System to Immigration Department of Malaysia.
APEC Business Travel Card (ABTC) Application - FMM
The Immigration Department of Malaysia has moved towards virtual ABTC effective October 24, 2023. With the virtual ABTC, there is no requirement to print out the physical card.
Panduan Permohonan Kad Perjalanan Perniagaan APEC (ABTC) di …
Kad Perjalanan Perniagaan APEC (ABTC) merupakan dokumen perjalanan berharga yang memberikan kemudahan kepada profesional perniagaan Malaysia untuk mengakses ekonomi ahli APEC. Sebagai visa perniagaan berbilang kemasukan yang sah selama lima tahun, ABTC menghapuskan keperluan untuk memohon visa berasingan dan menyediakan pelepasan imigresen yang ...
2024年12月30日 · The regulatory bodies of the ABTC, comprising Ministry of Investment, Trade and Industry (MITI) and the Immigration Department of Malaysia (IMI), have introduced NEW GUIDELINES FOR ABTC APPLICATION, effective from 1 August 2024. The guidelines aim to enhance overall application and assessment process of the ABTC.
Senarai Semak - Jabatan Imigresen Malaysia
Bayaran RM100.00 secara e-Payment (debit/kad kredit) bagi setiap pengeluaran kad. Tempoh proses: Bergantung kepada proses pre-clearance dari semua ekonomi APEC yang menyertai Skim ABTC, minima (3-6) bulan atau lebih. Permohonan cetakan Kad Perjalanan Perniagaan APEC adalah seperti berikut: Tempoh proses cetakan kad: Satu (1) hari bekerja.
APEC Business Travel Card (ABTC) – Jabatan Imigresen Malaysia
Benefits of using APEC Business Travel Card (ABTC) Fast clearance at entry and exit points at all member countries airports. Card holders are to carry their passports when traveling and are subjected to other procedures, law and regulations enforced by the countries concerned.
Borang Permohonan ABTC (boleh dimuat turun daripada laman sesawang MITI atau Jabatan Imigresen Malaysia – JIM) 2. Surat Permohonan (cover letter) daripada Kementerian/Jabatan/Agensi Kerajaan/syarikat dengan pengesahan maklumat seperti berikut: i. nama penuh, tarikh lahir, nombor kad pengenalan dan nombor pasport; ii.
亞太經濟合作商務旅行卡(ABTC)說明 - 外交部領事事務局
2017年7月20日 · 亞太經濟合作 ( Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation ) 所發行的商務旅行卡 ( Business Travel Card )簡稱ABTC,是供商務人士所持用,能夠在會員體間通關入出境的一種許可證 ( entry permit )。 即以商務旅行卡取代傳統簽證型態,使持有該卡之商務人士得持憑有效護照享有五年效期、多次入境每次停留最長三個月之簽證待遇 ( 各會員體核定時間長短不同 );另於通關時,得經由APEC專用通關道,節省商務人士辦理簽證及通關時間。 二、 申請亞太經濟合作 …