Kaeya x Diluc : r/FanFiction - Reddit
2021年9月1日 · Third - Kaeya likes Albedo. The two aren't mutually exclusive - I am a multishipper - but it's something worth mentioning. Fourth - I see the two of them as too different. Kaeya is a social butterfly - there's a reason he's known as Kaeya the Manipulator.* Diluc is more of a loner, and prefers to fight rather than talk.
Relationship Analysis: Kaeya and Diluc : r/Genshin_Lore - Reddit
2021年4月6日 · But if this is so, why was Kaeya trying to catch Diluc as the Darknight in Diluc's story quest? This is actually false. Trust: Darknight and Cavalry Captain. Kaeya had always known that Diluc was the Darknight. Cue the official Genshin Impact manga. Chapter 1: Kaeya is invited by Diluc as one of Dawn Winery's representatives in a deal with ...
Controversy with the Kaeya x Diluc ship : r/GenshinGays - Reddit
Kaeya uses the Chinese term that means “simply older and younger brothers” to refer to him and diluc together. he also does call diluc another term which means older brother so after looking over both his character description and vision story, I honestly think my point still stands. he calls crepus his adoptive father and himself crepus's ...
Kaeya x Diluc by @AR_LGMODS on Twitter : r/GenshinGays - Reddit
2020年10月24日 · Kaeya x Diluc by @AR_LGMODS on Twitter ... Kaeya is adopted though, so no, they aren't related by blood at ...
Why do ppl ship Kaeya and Diluc together? : r/Genshin_Impact
2022年7月24日 · That's the situation Diluc and Kaeya were in. And that's why they had to swear to be brothers — because they weren't. You don't need to swear brotherhood to your actual sibling. A lot of people seem to have this image of Kaeya having been found as a baby or something, but that's not accurate to what we've been told.
Diluc and Kaeya Reconciliation : r/KaeyaMains - Reddit
2022年10月12日 · My whumpy mind was actually enjoying it, but seriously, If something bad happens to Kaeya in game I swear I'll lose my sh*t. My boys deserve only love and happiness. Anyway, please please suggest me more reconciliation fics like this, preferably with a …
Kaeya vs Rosaria for Diluc : r/DilucMains - Reddit
2021年7月16日 · Rosaria is a much better combat option when Diluc isn't (fire immunity or need to move around a lot). One thing Kaeya is MUCH better than Rosaria at is sea walking - they both have about the same CD timer for their specials but Kaeya's ice lasts considerably longer than Rosaria's does, to the point it doesn't even help to use her to help build ...
Diluc and Kaeya (Spoilers for their personal stories)
2021年2月20日 · If Crepus' death didn't happen, Diluc would still be the captain, so I doubt Kaeya "needed" the position for his "mission," personally I believe the reason Kaeya took over as captain was because of Diluc, almost like Kaeya wanting to ensure Diluc everything he left behind would be left in good hands so Diluc could actually leave Mond like he ...
What is Diluc and Kaeya's relationships in the eyes of players?
2021年7月20日 · The reason why Westerners and Asians view Diluc and Kaeya's relationship differently is because of the difference in translation and localization. In English, Diluc and Kaeya are referred to as adopted brothers that's why most Westerners see them as such but in Chinese (the original game language) they are called "sworn brothers".
Looking for Diluc x Kaeya content : r/GenshinGays - Reddit
2020年10月17日 · The thing is that if you just play the game you wouldn’t know that the story behind kaeya and how he was adopted by diluc’s father. In the web toon where the game is based off of they literally saw each other as brothers but then diluc’s father died and kaeya told diluc something that made diluc hate kaeya and the knights covered the ...