Kahama - R I C E H U B
Welcome to Kahama. Important facts and information are: Rice growing season: Wet season (December-May) Yield. Rainfed Lowland yield (t/ha): 1.8. Irrigated Lowland yield (t/ha): 3.2. Rice Area per Farmer (ha): ≥1.0 et . 1.5 General farmer’s support and assets. Presence of farmer’s association: No. Access to credit: No or limited
Abundance and Spatial Dispersion of Rice Stem Borer Species in Kahama …
2015年9月25日 · This study aimed at investigating the existing species of the rice stem borers, the abundance, and spatial dispersion in rice fields in Kahama district, the major rice growing area in the Lake zone of Tanzania.
Abundance and Spatial Dispersion of Rice Stem Borer Species in Kahama …
2015年9月25日 · Species diversity, abundance, and dispersion of rice stem borers in framer’s fields were studied in four major rice growing areas of Kahama District.
Abundance and Spatial Dispersion of Rice Stem Borer Species in Kahama …
2015年9月27日 · Species diversity, abundance, and dispersion of rice stem borers in framer's fields were studied in four major rice growing areas of Kahama District. Stem borer larvae were extracted from the damaged tillers in 16 quadrants established in each field.
This study delves into the impact of climate change on rice (Oryza sativa L.) farmers and their asset ownership in Tanzania's Kahama District, aiming to assess the specific challenges and risks posed
Perfomance of rice value chain in Kahama district, Tanzania
This study examined the profitability and marketing chain of rice in Kahama district, Shinyanga Region. The study was a cross sectional design. A total of 216 sample of farm households was selected by using simple random sampling from the 18 villages for the interview.
(PDF) Implications of Climate Change on Rice (Oryza sativa L ...
One agricultural industry that is particularly vulnerable to the effects of climate change is the cultivation of paddy rice. Many farmers in Tanzania's Kahama District depend heavily on paddy rice farming as a source of income, and their asset ownership is closely linked to rice output.
A total of 99 smallholder rice farmers adopting new rice technologies from four villages (Mofu, Namwawala, Idete, and Machipi) were sampled through simple random sampling for quantitative data.
How new project improves livelihoods of rice farmers
2021年10月10日 · Tanzania has many opportunities of becoming a competitive and mass exporter of rice if it makes good use of its huge potential, experts say.
Breaking the myth of urban consumers’ rice preference
The results show that imported rice is largely preferred to local rice, especially in urban areas. Cleanness and whiteness appear to be the most preferred attributes, especially for imported...