Kain Highwind - Final Fantasy Wiki
Kain Highwind is a playable character in Final Fantasy IV and Final Fantasy IV: The After Years. He is a Dragoon from the kingdom of Baron and is Cecil Harvey's childhood friend. He has feelings for Cecil's beloved, Rosa Farrell, but he hides them …
Kain (Final Fantasy IV party member) - Fandom
Kain is a playable character in Final Fantasy IV. He is a Dragoon, donning heavy armor and able to use Jump that deals a heavy blow after momentarily removing Kain from the battlefield. He wields spears and is physically-geared.
Kain (The After Years party member) | Final Fantasy Wiki | Fandom
Kain, also known as the Hooded Man, is a playable character in Final Fantasy IV: The After Years. He has two different playable forms, firstly as Hooded Man and as Holy Dragoon Kain. They have different stat growth, particularly in HP and MP (which can be made up for in items to increase growth), and the Holy Dragoon Kain is the final form.
What's your opinion on Kain Highwind : r/FinalFantasy - Reddit
Kain is a 21 years old dragoon and Cecil's best friend in Final Fantasy IV. I just beat the game for the first time this month, and want to share my thoughts on this character. He was one of the first dragoon characters in the series after Richard on Final Fantasy II, though I haven't played that one, and I liked his development during the game.
Kain - Final Fantasy IV Guide - IGN
2012年8月20日 · A good friend of Cecil's, Kain is a Dragoon working for Baron, and is sent on the mission in the beginning of the game with Cecil to Mist, which ultimately ends in the destruction of that...
Kain Highwind - Final Fantasy Wiki
Kain Highwind is a character in Final Fantasy IV and a childhood friend of both Cecil Harvey and Rosa Farrell. He is the leader of the Dragon Knights of Baron. Although Kain is best friends with Cecil, they are rivals in a sense, as they both are leaders of Baron's forces and are quite infatuated with...
Kain Highwind - Final Fantasy Wiki - Neoseeker
2015年7月28日 · Kain Highwind is one of the main playable characters of Final Fantasy IV, and Cecil Harvey 's toughest rival and best friend. Kain has strong feelings for Rosa as well, and he does his best not...
Kain - Final Fantasy IV Characters - Caves of Narshe
Kain is a Dragoon in service of the kingdomm Baron, following in his deceased father's footsteps. Though he was offered the chance at greater prestige by becoming a Dark Knight, he chose instead to continue his father's legacy.
The RPG Place - Final Fantasy IV - Characters - Kain Highwind
Kain, the leader of the Dragon Knights of Baron, is a powerful warrior type character. He starts out in your party when Cecil departs on his mission from Baron, and thereafter he drifts in and out of your party at various intervals. His Jump command will come in very handy in certain boss fights.
Kain Highwind | Heroes Wiki - Fandom
Commander Kain Highwind, also known as the Hooded Man before his identity is revealed in The After Years, is a playable character in Final Fantasy IV and Final Fantasy IV: The After Years. He is a Dragoon from the kingdom of Baron, Cecil Harvey's childhood friend …