Kaiu Kabe | L5r: Legend of the Five Rings Wiki | Fandom
Kaiu Kabe. The Kaiu Wall, also known as the Carpenter Wall or the Kaiu Miracle, for centuries was the very physical demarcation of the southern border of Rokugan. On its north side lie the …
Kaiu Kabe (TCG) | L5r: Legend of the Five Rings Wiki | Fandom
Kaiu Kabe, also known as the Carpenter Wall, or more commonly the Kaiu Wall, was built in the southern border of Rokugan by the Crab Clan. The Empire's largest edifice extended from the …
Kaiu family | L5r: Legend of the Five Rings Wiki | Fandom
The Kaiu family are without question the best engineers in Rokugan. They are the architects of the Carpenter Wall, as well as the catacombs and traps beneath. If anyone in the empire …
L5R: Crab Clan - lycaon.fi
The Crab are the defenders of the Empire, manning the Kaiu Kabe (Kaiu Wall, or Great Carpenter Wall) against the demons and monsters of the Shadowlands. They see themselves as …
Crab Clan | Legend of the Five Rings Wiki
The defenders of the Empire have little time or inclination to practice social niceties; they stand guard upon the Kaiu Wall, an enduring symbol of tenacity against the horrors of the …
Toritaka Clan - L5R
The mighty army of the Crab holds back a horde of Oni at Kaiu Kabe. Their witch-hunters hunt down and destroy all vestiges of maho within the Empire. Yet by their side the Falcon Clan …
NPCs - L5R
During his long career, Utagu became known as The Wall, because the people around him felt as safe as if they were behind the Kaiu Kabe.Utagu made many advances to the practices of the …
bikol history: 2009
2009年12月8日 · In 1129, after the Clan War, the Kaiu family needed to repair the Kaiu Kabe, which had been severely damaged. The Crab and naga allied and resolved to move against …
Kaiu Kabe | Wiki Lenda dos Cinco Anéis | Fandom
A Kaiu Kabe, também conhecida como Muralha do Carpinteiro, ou mais comumente de Muralha Kaiu, foi construída na fronteira meridional de Rokugan pelo Clã Caranguejo. O maior edifício …
Hida Family - L5R
It is the largest family in the Crab, and dominate the political life of the clan. They plan military tactics, lead the armies and co-ordinate the defenses of the clan. They are descended from …