Kaivalya - Wikipedia
Kaivalya (Sanskrit: कैवल्य) is the ultimate goal of aṣṭāṅga yoga and means "solitude", "detachment" or "isolation", a vrddhi-derivation from kevala "alone, isolated". It is the isolation of purusha from prakṛti, and liberation from rebirth, i.e., moksha.
What is Kaivalya? - Definition from Yogapedia
2023年12月21日 · Kaivalya is a state of solitude, aloneness, isolation and detachment. The word is derived from the Sanskrit kevala, meaning “alone” or “isolated.” It is a separation of purusha (Self or Soul) from prakriti (primal matter). The state of kaivalya is the main goal of Raja yoga.
Kaivalya or Samadhi: Which is The Highest Goal of Yoga?
2022年9月24日 · The ultimate goal of yoga is to attain Kaivalya, which can be referred the highest stage of Samadhi. Many yogis have warned about a yoga practitioner being stuck at the Samadhi level. The stages of Samadhi are so blissful that there is a possibility that a yogi might be distracted by this condition itself.
Kaivalya: 24 definitions - Wisdom Library
2025年3月4日 · Kaivalya (कैवल्य, “liberation”) refers to “absolute oneness, aloneness, perfect detachment, freedom”.—Kaivalya is the term used by Patañjali and others in the yoga tradition to name the goal and fulfillment of yoga, the state of complete detachment from transmigration.
Kaivalya | Moksha, Liberation & Enlightenment | Britannica
Kaivalya, in the Samkhya school of Hinduism, a state of liberation (moksha: literally, “release”) that the consciousness of an individual (purusha: “self” or “soul”) achieves by realizing that it is separate from matter (prakriti). The Samkhya school posits a …
Kaivalya - Sivananda Online
1. WHAT IS KAIVALYA. Kaivalya (perfect independence) comes when the Gunas (qualities), devoid of motive, become latent. Or the power of consciousness gets established in its own nature. NOTES. The Gunas act for the enjoyment of the Purusha.
What Is Kaivalya? - yogajala
2022年12月21日 · Kaivalya which is derived from the word ‘Kevala’ (which means alone), is the state of total awareness detached from desire, attachment, and aversion, as well as samsara. A synonym for moksha or nirvana, kaivalya is attained when karma is no longer present.
What is Kaivalya Moksha? - Hinduism Stack Exchange
2020年6月17日 · Kaivalya (कैवल्य), is the ultimate goal of Raja yoga and means "solitude", "detachment" or "isolation", a vrddhi-derivation from kevala "alone, isolated". It is the isolation of purusha from prakṛti, and subsequent liberation from rebirth, i.e., Moksha.
Patanjali’s Words: Kaivalya - Integral Yoga Magazine
Kaivalya is often translated as isolation or aloneness, the idea being that kaivalya results from isolating — discriminating the difference between — the ego-based self that seems to have consciousness as a property and the pure consciousness that is the Purusha.
Kaivalya (Liberation or Isolation) - Definition & Detailed …
2024年3月30日 · Kaivalya is a concept in yoga philosophy that refers to ultimate liberation or spiritual independence. It is the state of complete detachment from the material world and the realization of one’s true self.
Sanskrit: Kaivalya (Absolute Freedom) – Asivana Yoga
Kaivalya is the ultimate liberation described in Patanjali’s Yoga Sutras. It represents the state where the soul is isolated from all material entanglements and exists in its true, unchanging essence. Unlike the common interpretation of isolation as solitude, kaivalya signifies spiritual independence and complete union with one’s higher self.
Kaivalya | Theosophy World
Kaivalya A Sanskrit term literally meaning “isolation” or “detachment” and used in the SĀNKHYA and YOGA philosophies to refer to release from the “wheel of rebirth” (termed mokșa , release, or apavarga , emancipation, by other Hindu systems, or nirvāṇa , extinction [of the limitations — i.e., cravings, attachments — of ...
Meaning of Kaivalya - Vigyan Yoga
2023年1月8日 · According to the Samkhya philosophy, Kaivalya is that state of liberation in which a person’s consciousness (purusha) realizes that it is separate from Prakriti. The word Kevalya is used in Jain texts and the liberated soul is called Kevalin. Jain scriptures outline twelve steps by which the soul attains this goal.
Kaivalya: Significance and symbolism - Wisdom Library
2025年2月14日 · Kaivalya in Hinduism represents a state of ultimate liberation and isolation, reflecting profound self-realization beyond worldly attachments, ignorance, and dualities, achieved through practices like yoga and philosophical understanding, …
Kaivalya - Dharmapedia Wiki
Kaivalya (कैवल्य), is the ultimate goal of Raja yoga and means "solitude", "detachment" or "isolation", a vrddhi-derivation from kevala "alone, isolated". It is the isolation of purusha from prakṛti , and liberation from rebirth, i.e., Moksha (although this is controversial due to the predominant view that it is impossible to ...
Kaivalya In Yogasutras - Hindu Blog
The term "kaivalya" is derived from the Sanskrit root "kevala," which signifies 'alone' or 'absolute.' In essence, kaivalya suggests a state of being completely independent and detached. According to Samkhya and Yoga, individuals are bound by the cycle of birth and death due to their association and identification with pradhana or prakriti ...
Kaivalya: The Ultimate Freedom - PMC
The purpose and end of yoga practices are to achieve Kaivalya, the ultimate freedom that all of us seem to seek. The steps to this final goal are enunciated in Sage Patanjali's Yoga Sutras and it is necessary to follow these steps if one is aiming for the final outcome.
Kaivalya Pada : Chapter 4 of Patanjali Yoga Sutra - Patanjali Yog …
The fourth chapter of Patanjali's Yoga Sutras, known as the Kaivalya Pada, delves into the concept of liberation or "kaivalya." The Kaivalya Pada begins by emphasizing that the ultimate objective of yoga is to achieve liberation, wherein one's consciousness becomes completely free from the entanglements of the ego and the illusions of the mind.
What is Kaivalya?< - Hindu Website
Kaivalya is a state of freedom from bondage, attachments, egoism, duality, attraction and aversion and the cycle of births and deaths. He who reaches this stage is called a Kevalin, the one who is always alone. Kailvalya is attained by overcoming desires and attachment for the worldly pleasures and sense objects.
Kaivalya - (Intro to Hinduism) - Vocab, Definition, Explanations
Kaivalya is a Sanskrit term meaning 'isolation' or 'detachment' that signifies the ultimate goal of spiritual practice in Hindu philosophy, particularly within the framework of Samkhya. It represents a state of liberation where the individual soul (purusha) realizes its true nature, free from the influences of the material world (prakriti) and ...