凯翼E5 EV-凯翼汽车官方网站 - kaiyihome.com
Kaiyi Nepal - Kaiyi
Experience Innovation in Motion with the Kaiyi X3 Pro EV —the most powerful electric vehicle in its segment, powered by a robust 120 kW motor and 260 Nm of torque for unmatched performance.
炫界Pro EV2023-凯翼汽车官方网站
2021年9月29日 · 日前,从官方渠道获悉凯翼炫界Pro EV的相关信息,新车共推出悦享版、舒享版和尊享版三款版型,NEDC综合工况续航里程401公里,官方称之为“智趣纯电小钢炮”。
Chery's Kaiyi Shiyue EV - Small Cars Club
2023年10月25日 · Kaiyi announced that its pure electric two-door mini EV codenamed i-EA 01 is officially named “Shiyue” (拾月). The design is simple: a chassis with a beam at the back and an electric motor at the front, four seats, an overall length within …
国产电动的士 凯翼KAIYI X3 Pro EV进军香港|意向价低于20万港 …
2024年5月16日 · 荣迅车行率先引进凯翼(KAIYI)X3 Pro EV四座位纯电动的士,售价可望低于20万港元。 港府持续推动新能源运输,并订下2027年底约有3,000辆电动的士投入服务之目标。 在新计划下,预期将有不少新款电动的士加入服务行列,当中包括由荣迅车行(Vecent Motors)率先引进的四川 凯翼(KAIYI) X3 Pro EV四座位纯电动的士,售价可望低于20万港元,最快今年6月正式服役。 凯翼汽车有限公司成立于2014年3月,是宜宾市汽车产业发展投资有限责任公司、奇 …
Kaiyi Auto - Wikipedia
Kaiyi Auto (official name Yibin Kaiyi Automobile Co., Ltd., Chinese: 凯 翼, Kǎiyì) is a Chinese car manufacturer founded in 2014, as a subsidiary of Chery. The brand is specialized on offering low cost models with the goal of attracting young buyers. In 2022, the brand has renamed from Cowin Auto to Kaiyi Auto.
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Kaiyi Manufacturing Company - EV Database
6 天之前 · Kaiyi is a prominent Chinese automaker focused on producing innovative and affordable electric vehicles. Renowned for their commitment to sustainability and advanced technology, Kaiyi develops a diverse range of eco-friendly cars designed to enhance urban mobility and provide efficient, stylish transportation solutions.