Forum: Community Projects - Kali Linux
Kali Linux Forums; Community Projects; If this is your first visit, be sure to check out the FAQ by ...
Kali Linux as a Final Project
2017年4月24日 · Now I am thinking about to do something with Kali as a final project next year. But my problem is to decide what is really the best to do with Kali for this use. It is a 40 hour project which would include documentation (about 8-10 hours), building a test area, making a conception and a conclusion.
Save preferences and installed packages between boots - Kali Linux
2014年5月30日 · Kali Live USB - Save preferences and installed packages between boots I just installed Kali on a USB-stick using the dd command. Is there a way to save system preferences/settings and installed packages between boots?
RaspberryPi fun with Kali Linux
2013年3月27日 · It is great to see the new Kali Linux version released. I would like to share a particular project that I started as a school project but has become much more. This has been a learning experience and I am most accurately not a programmer.
Mysql error 2002 (hy000) - forums.kali.org
2014年5月14日 · Are you running kali from a hardrive or a persistent usb? It looks to us that you have simply not started mysql as we get the same warning until we do the following: Try this it works on our kali-linux 1.05 persistent usb In a terminal window type: service mysql start [Enter] You will get notification starting mysql database etc Checking tables etc
SOLUTION: Kali Linux on Raspberry Pi Zero W with bluetooth and …
2017年3月21日 · I'm surprised that Kali.org haven't update their Raspberry Kali image to ensure that it will work on Zero. I would like to configure Zero W using headless setup and is automated to: 1) persistence boot into CLI with an option to start GUI on-demand using startx.
Search Forums - Kali Linux
Kali Linux Forums; Archive; Top; All times are GMT. The time now is 15:03. Kali Linux ...
Kali Linux Not Connecting Openvpn
2021年2月13日 · Kali Linux Forums. Forums Rules and Guidelines; Installing Kali Linux. Installing Archive; Kali Linux TroubleShooting. TroubleShooting Archive; Kali Linux General Questions. General Archive; Community Generated How-Tos. How-To Archive; Community Projects. Project Archive; Building Custom Kali Images. Building Archive; Kali Linux ARM ...
Forum: Project Archive - Kali Linux
2015年1月28日 · Kali Linux Forums; Community Projects; Project Archive; If this is your first visit, be sure to check out ...
Missing Network firmwares - Kali Linux
2023年2月19日 · Hey guys , I've been trying to install kali on my new laptop but each time i tried to do i've got some missing firmwares that appears while installation . Im also trying the latest version 2022.4 but I get the following messages : Detect network hardwareSome of your hardware needs non-free firmware files to operate.