KALISOP® GRAN. - K+S Aktiengesellschaft
KALISOP GRAN. is a highly concentrated compound fertilizer in granular form with potassium and sulfur. Practically chloride-free (max. 1.5% Cl) and therefore particularly suitable for special …
KALISOP® PREMIUM | K+S Aktiengesellschaft
KALISOP PREMIUM max. 1.5% Cl is a highly concentrated compound fertilizer in granular form with potassium and sulfur. Practically chloride-free (max. 1.5% Cl) and therefore particularly …
KALISOP® GRAN est un fertilisant composé très concentré sous forme de granulé compacté contenant du Potassium et du Soufre. Pratiquement exempt de chlorure et donc …
KaliSOP - 50Kg | Granular Fertilizers | Agroduka Limited
KALISOP improves the external properties like leaf size, specific leaf weight, leaf colour and increases disease resistance. The low chloride content ensures a long burn time in tobacco. In …
KALISOP® GRAN. | K+S Minerals and Agriculture GmbH - K+S …
KALISOP GRAN. es un fertilizante altamente concentrado de doble nutriente en forma granular con potasio y azufre. Prácticamente libre de cloruro (tipo 1,2 % cl) y, por lo tanto, …
KALISOP® fin - K+S France S.A.S
KALISOP® fine est un fertilisant hautement concentré en Potassium sous forme sulfate : Issu de gisements naturels de sels bruts en Allemagne. Particulièrement adapté pour la fabrication de …
K+S Asia Pacific Pte Ltd. - KALISOP ® Plus: Our Specialty Fertilizer ...
2018年11月28日 · KALISOP Plus is extracted in Germany as a potash crude salt of natural origin and is certified for ecological farming. The advantages of our sulfate fertilizers are also evident …
K+S Minerals and Agriculture GmbH - KALISOP® gran.
KALISOP ® gran. é, devido ao seu alto teor de enxofre (17,6 % de S) especialmente adequado para plantas com grande necessidade de enxofre (tabaco, frutos de baga, frutos de grainha …
KaliSOP - biofert
2023年3月9日 · KaliSOP – is free of chlorine fertilizer in the form of sulphate of potash. Made from crude kalium that is produced from natural deposits. Calium and sulfur are in a completely …
KALISOP® fine | K+S Aktiengesellschaft
KALISOP fine is a highly concentrated compound fertilizer with potassium and sulfur. Practically chloride-free (typ. 1.2% Cl) and therefore suitable for further processing in low-chloride …