Kamasins - Wikipedia
The Kamasins (Russian: камасинцы, romanized: kamasintsy; Kamassian: Kaŋmažə) [1] are a collection of tribes of Samoyedic peoples in the Sayan Mountains who lived along the Kan …
卡马辛人 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
卡马辛人[2] (卡马斯语: калмажи;俄语: Камасинцы)曾是一個位於 薩彥嶺 地區的 薩莫耶德人 部落,為數约500人。 在17世紀時主要沿 坎河 和 馬納河 居住(今天 克拉斯諾亞爾斯克邊 …
卡马辛人 - 百度百科
卡马辛人,自称卡尔玛日人。 一个已经消亡的民族,原分布在俄罗斯联邦西伯利亚南部。 卡马辛人十七世纪时分布于萨彦岭山区 (马纳河和坎河上游).人数不多,仅有约五百人。 十八至十九 …
Kamas language - Wikipedia
Kamas (Kaŋmažən šəkət) is an extinct Samoyedic language, formerly spoken by the Kamasins. It is included by convention in the Southern group together with Mator and Selkup (although this …
Samoyedic peoples - Wikipedia
Traditionally, Samoyedic languages and peoples have been divided into two major areal groups: Northern Samoyedic (Nenets, Yurats, Enets, Nganasans), and Southern Samoyedic (Selkups) …
Kamasins - Wikiwand
The Kamasins are a collection of tribes of Samoyedic peoples in the Sayan Mountains who lived along the Kan River and Mana River in the 17th century in the sout...
2022年1月3日 · ABALAKOVIAN(针叶林)鞑靼人(Kamasins) 在革命前的俄罗斯,现代克拉斯诺亚尔斯克边疆区南部山区的萨彦萨摩耶人被称为“针叶林鞑靼人”。 居住在 Kan 和 Mana 河 …
Kamasins :: Kamassian
Kamasins. Even though the Kamassian Language is now dead the Kamasin identity never died. Though Russia now counts Kamasins as Khakassians 2 people in 2010 identified as …
Kamasins | EPFL Graph Search
Kamasins (Камасинцы; self-designation: Kaŋmažə) were a collection of tribes of Samoyedic peoples in the Sayan Mountains who lived along the Kan River and Mana River in the 17th …
Do Kamasins still exist? A few people with ancestry from the Kamasins are still alive and aware of their ancestry, we also know that some Khakas people are intermixed with the Kamasins. How …