Kamov Ka-226 - Wikipedia
The Kamov Ka-226 (NATO reporting name: Hoodlum) is a small, twin-engine Russian utility helicopter. The Ka-226 features an interchangeable mission pod, rather than a conventional cabin, allowing the use of various accommodation or equipment configurations.
Ka-226 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
卡-226 (英語: Ka-226 、 北約 代號 Hoodlum:流氓、小混混、不良少年)是一款小型雙引擎通用直升機。 Ka-226可根據不同的任物裝備不同的任務吊艙。 在 Ka-26 大獲成功後, 卡莫夫設計局 設計了兩款改進版,分別為單引擎的 Ka-126 和雙引擎的Ka-226。 最初開發是為了滿足俄羅斯救災的要求。 該機於1997年9月4日首飛。 2003年10月31日獲得了俄羅斯AP-29“A”和“B”運輸類別的認證。 而後, 稀奇動力 在 烏克蘭 扎波羅熱 投產。 2014年2月,據報導 印度 與 俄羅斯 達成協 …
Ka-226 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书 - zh.wikipedia.org
卡-226 (英语: Ka-226 、 北约 代号 Hoodlum:流氓、小混混、不良少年)是一款小型双引擎通用直升机。 Ka-226可根据不同的任物装备不同的任务吊舱。 在 Ka-26 大获成功后, 卡莫夫设计局 设计了两款改进版,分别为单引擎的 Ka-126 和双引擎的Ka-226。 最初开发是为了满足俄罗斯救灾的要求。 该机于1997年9月4日首飞。 2003年10月31日获得了俄罗斯AP-29“A”和“B”运输类别的认证。 而后, 稀奇动力 在 乌克兰 扎波罗热 投产。 2014年2月,据报导 印度 与 俄罗斯 达成协 …
Kamov Ka-226 Sergei - Airport Technology
Kamov has delivered 850 Ka-26 helicopters to the domestic and export markets since 1965. The Ka-226 has interchangeable mission pods rather than a conventional cabin within the main fuselage. The small size of the helicopter allows it to be used in urban environments and in congested areas close to the operational area of interest or the ...
Aircrafttotal Encyclopedia
The Kamov Ka-226 (NATO reporting name: Hoodlum) is a small, twin-engine Russian utility helicopter. The Ka-226 features an interchangeable mission pod, rather than a conventional cabin, allowing the use of various accommodation or equipment configurations. The Ka-226 entered service in 2002.
Kamov Ka-226 helicopter - development history, photos, …
Ka-226 is a derivative of a well-known Ka-26 helicopter which fleet has flown nearly 3 million hours. The helicopter inherited the best qualities of its predecessor: simplicity of piloting techniques, low vibration level, reliability, flight safety and unpretentiousness in operation.
Kamow / Kamov Ka-226 - Specifications - Technical Data / …
The Kamov Ka-226 is a twin-engined light utility helicopter with coaxial rotors developed by the Russian manufacturer Kamov JSC, produced by the Russian manufacturer KumAPE JSC. The Ka-226 can be operated with or without the interchangeable mission pod (cabin).
Kamov Ka-226T Specs, Interior, and Price - Helicopter Specs
Kamov Ka-226T Specs, Interior, and Price – Kamov Ka-226T is a light utility multirole helicopter with coaxial contra rotating rotor developed and produced by Kamov Design Bureau, a subsidiary of Russian Helicopters. This helicopter was developed to meet the requirements of the Russian Emergency Ministry TSENTROSPAS, Moscow City Government ...
Kamov Ka-226 “Hoodlum” - Aero Corner
The Kamov Ka-226 is a Russian multi-purpose helicopter that was designed in the 1980s. The name “Hoodlum” comes from the fact that it’s small and agile. It has an asymmetrical rotor system. This design makes for more stable flight than …
Kamov Ka26 & Ka-226 - Airliners.net
The uniquely configured Ka26 features two counter rotating main propellers, a Kamov characteristic that negates the need for an anti torque tail rotor. Other features include the two podded radial piston engines mounted either side of the fuselage, and the removable and exchangeable rear fuselage.