卡-28直升机 - 百度百科
卡-28直升机(英文:Ka-28 Helicopter [6],北约代号:螺旋),是苏联/俄罗斯卡莫夫设计局研制的一型共轴反桨/双旋翼反潜/搜救直升机。 卡-28直升机旋翼直径为15.9米, 桨叶 用复合材料制成,上面装有电-热除冰系统和桨叶折叠系统,以便于在舰上停放,机身很紧凑,有不可收放式的4点式 起落架,以便在10级左右的海况条件下在舰船甲板上操纵和起降。 卡-28直升机由俄罗斯卡莫夫设计局研制,用于海军 [1]。 [2] 世界各国的实践表明,直升机已经成为反海盗行动中的重要武 …
卡-27直升机 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
卡莫夫-27 (简称 卡-27, 北约代号 蜗牛, Helix)是为前 苏联海军 研制的军用直升机,目前在 俄罗斯 、 乌克兰 、 中华人民共和国 、 印度 、 越南 、 韩国 等国均有使用。 变种机型包括 出口 军用降级版本的 卡-28,突击运输版本的 卡-29 和民用型号 卡-32。 该型直升机的主要任务为 运输 和 反潜。 设计工作始于1970年,第一架原型机于1973年首飞。 它的目的是取代服役已十年之久的 卡-25,由于要求使用相同的机库,卡-27被要求具备与后者相似的外观尺寸。 就像卡莫夫家族大 …
Ka-27/28 and Ka-29 Helix - Naval Technology
2002年5月8日 · The Ka-27 and Ka-28 are naval anti-submarine helicopters and the Ka-29 is a naval combat and transport helicopter, designed and manufactured by the Kamov Design Bureau in Russia. The helicopters are known in the West by the Nato reporting name Helix.
Kamov Ka-28 – Indian Navy - Bharat Rakshak
2008年10月29日 · Powerplant: Two Isotov TV3-117BK turbo shafts, each rated at 1660-kW (2225-shp), drive contra-rotating blades which have been shortened in length by comparison with those of the Ka-25 for better manoeuvrability on deck. Operational Speed: 110 knots (204 km/h). Service Ceiling: 12,000 ft. (3660 miles). Range: 270 nautical miles (500 km).
Kamov Ka-27PL - Weaponsystems.net
The Ka-27PL is a late Cold War era anti-submarine warfare helicopter of Soviet origin. It was developed as a more capable successor to the Ka-25PL. The Ka-27PL is most often used aboard ships, but can also operate from naval bases. The Ka-28 is an export model. The NATO reporting name is Helix-A.
Aircraft Data for the Ka-28 - Vertical Flight Society
The Ka-28 is a Russian Naval anti-submarine helicopter. It is capable of tracking and destroying surfaced and submerged submarines to a depth of 500 m. Operations can be in day or night in any weather condition; in addition, the main rotor blades are foldable for storage and transport.
Kamov ka-27 Helix - Helis.com
The Ka-27 come in four main versions, known as Ka-27, 28, 29, and 32. The Ka-27 is the basic naval helicopter having two variants: the Ka-27PL fitted for antisubmarine warfare and the Ka-27PS for search and rescue. The Ka-28 is an export version of the Ka-27PL. The Ka-29 and Ka-29TB are assault transport helicopters.
Kаmоv Kа-28 | Aeronautical Museum in Belgrade
Kаmоv Kа-28 Kаmоv Kа-28PL (HP-46) is an anti-submarine twin-engine helicopter of metal construction with non-retractable "tricycle" landing gear. This helicopter was intended to replace its predecessor, the decade-old Ka-25, which was very similar in appearance.
Kamov Ka - 27 | PDF | Military Aircraft | Aircraft Configurations
The document provides details about the Kamov Ka-27, Ka-28, and Ka-32 helicopters, including their origins in Russia, powerplants, performance specifications, dimensions, roles, operators, and history.
Kamov Ka-28 - Vehibase
The Kamov Ka-28 is a Russian-made naval helicopter designed for anti-submarine warfare (ASW) and maritime patrol missions. It is recognized for its role in detecting and engaging submarines and providing maritime surveillance capabilities.
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