Kamov Ka-27 - Wikipedia
The Kamov Ka-27 (NATO reporting name 'Helix') is a military helicopter developed for the Soviet Navy, and as of 2024 is in service in various countries including Russia, Ukraine, Vietnam, China, South Korea, and India. Variants include the Ka-29 assault transport, the Ka-28 downgraded export version, and the Ka-32 for civilian use.
Kamov Ka-32A - Airport Technology
The Kamov Ka-32A is an autonomous high-power-to-weight-ratio compact air transporter that can operate independently of ground support.
卡-32直升机 - 百度百科
卡-32是俄罗斯卡莫夫直升机公司以卡-27海军直升机为基础、专为消防设计研制的双发通用直升机。 除水箱吊桶外,还可以进行水炮灭火、机侧发射消防弹灭火等。
卡-32 - 百度百科
卡-32(北约称为“蜗牛”C)是苏联卡莫夫设计局设计的一种多用途直升机,是在军用型 卡-27直升机 的基础上改造的民用型直升机。 [2] 卡莫夫设计局 于1969年开始着手设计卡-27,其设计目标是研发一种舰载 反潜直升机 用来替代上一代卡-25“激素”舰载反潜机。 卡-27的原型机于1974年12月首飞,并于1981年开始进入苏联海军服役,1981年,在卡-27基础上研发的第一架民用型卡-32也在明斯克公开展出。 卡-27和卡-32两种直升机都采用与卡-25相似的动力装置、减速箱、双垂尾 …
Kamov Ka-32A - Price, Specs, Photo Gallery, History - Aero Corner
The Kamov Ka-32A is a Russian utility helicopter that has been in production since 1980. It is capable of being used for both civilian and military purposes, which have become more prominent with its recent use by the Syrian government in their battle against rebels.
2024年9月16日 · Ka-32多用途直升机于1986年制造,设计用于执行特殊搜救和高空安装工作、消防、在机身内和外部吊索上运输货物、疏散伤病员以及作为巡逻和支持情报行动。
Kamov Ka 32A: Versatile Aviation Companion for Heavy-Lift
2024年11月6日 · The Kamov Ka-32A is a versatile, multi-role utility helicopter developed by the Russian Kamov Design Bureau. Known for its distinctive coaxial rotor system and robust design, the Ka-32A has become a favored platform for both civilian and military applications worldwide.
Kamov Ka32 - Airliners.net
A not uncommon sight outside of the former Eastern Bloc, the Kamov Ka32 (NATO reporting name `HelixC') is a multi purpose utility helicopter based upon the military Ka27. <p>Kamov began design work on the Ka27 in 1969, its principle design objective being to provide a shipborne anti submarine warfare helicopter to replace the Ka25 (`Hormone').
Kamow / Kamov Ka-32 - Specifications - Technical Data / …
The Kamov Ka-32 is a twin-engined 18 seat medium civil utility helicopter with coaxial rotors developed by the Soviet Design Bureau OKB Kamov (OKB-2), today Kamov JSC, Russia. The Kamov Ka-32 is a variant of the Kamov Ka-27 .
Kamov ka-32 - Helis.com
The all-weather civilian helicopter Ka-32 with coaxial rotors was originally developed by the Kamov Design Bureau. Serial production is carried ...