Kamov Ka-27 - Wikipedia
The Kamov Ka-27 (NATO reporting name ' Helix') is a military helicopter developed for the Soviet Navy, and as of 2024 is in service in various countries including Russia, Ukraine, Vietnam, China, South Korea, and India. Variants include the Ka-29 assault transport, the Ka-28 downgraded export version, and the Ka-32 for civilian use.
Kamov Ka-29 - War History
2015年10月2日 · Powerplants: Ka-29 – Two 1635kW (2190shp) Klimov (Isotov) TV3-117V turboshafts, driving two three bladed counter rotating coaxial main rotors. Performance: Ka-29 – Max level speed at sea level 280km/h (151 kt), cruising speed 235km/h (127kt). Max initial rate of climb 3050ft/min. Service ceiling 14,100ft.
卡-29直升机(英文:Ka-29 Helicopter),是20世纪70年代初期苏联研制的一型双发突击运输及电子战直升机。 卡-29直升机是由卡莫夫直升机科学技术联合体(原卡莫夫实验设计局)在卡-27直升机基础上研发的一机多型,为突击运输、电子对抗、两栖战斗兼运输类型的 ...
该机是舰载两栖战斗兼运输多用途型机,搭载2台2200马力的TB3—117型涡轴式发动机。 为了便于了解卡一29的技术特点,不妨将其与同时期陆用的米一24作一些比较。 这两型直升机有不少共同之处,如都用2台2200马力的TB3—117型涡轴式发动机; 反坦克导弹 的数量都是8枚;机炮都是30毫米且备弹都是250发;无控火箭口径都是80毫米且备弹都是80发4两座挂箱式机炮口径都是23毫米;乘员都是2人。 但是,这两型直升机也有不少不同的地方。
Kamov Ka-29 helicopter - development history, photos, technical …
The Ka-29 enhanced the mobility and effectiveness of amphibious landing operations, deploying both on ships and at coastal bases. The helicopter featured an effective navigation, targeting and communication suite.
Ka-27/28 and Ka-29 Helix Multirole Naval Helicopter
2001年9月4日 · The Ka-27 and Ka-28 are naval anti-submarine helicopters and the Ka-29 is a naval combat and transport helicopter, designed and manufactured by the Kamov Design Bureau in Russia. The helicopters are known in the West by the Nato reporting name Helix.
Ka-29 | War Thunder Wiki
The Kamov Ka-29 (NATO reporting name "Helix") is an assault-attack variant of the Ka-27 naval helicopter. The Ka-29 was upgraded to carry the required guidance and control systems for multiple different weapon options, including a 2A42 autocannon or Shturm ATGMs, in addition to unguided rocket packs and gun pods.
KA-29 Helix B - GlobalSecurity.org
2011年9月7日 · powerful complex of rocket, bombing and shooting-gun armament. The KA-29 helicopter may be used in two variants: transport and combat. In the transport variant provision is made to carry up to...
Category:Kamov Ka-29 - Wikimedia Commons
Media in category "Kamov Ka-29" The following 19 files are in this category, out of 19 total.
Kamov Ka-29TB | Weaponsystems.net
Russian navy Ka-29TB on public display. Note the B-8V20A rocket pod and UPK-23-250 gun pod. 1x GShG 7.62mm gatling gun is mounted as an internal weapon. 1.800 rounds carried. Up to …