Kamov Ka-26 - Wikipedia
The Kamov Ka-26 (NATO reporting name Hoodlum) is a Soviet light utility helicopter with co-axial rotors. The Ka-26 entered production in 1969 and 816 were built. A variant with a single …
卡-26直升机 - 百度百科
卡-26直升机(英文:Kamov Ka-26)是苏联研制的农业直升机。 卡-26直升机采用两副共轴反转的三片桨叶旋翼系统。 卡-26直升机1970年投入使用,该机寿命与经济性高,可快速改装,能适 …
Ka-26 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
卡莫夫 Ka-26 是前蘇聯時代開發的輕型同軸逆槳多用途直升機。 (北約 代號 Hoodlum:流氓、小混混、不良少年) Ka-26直升機從1969年開始量產,至今總產量達到816架。 後來並發展出新 …
Kamov Ka-26 helicopter - development history, photos, technical …
The Kamov Ka-26, which has the NATO codename Hoodlum, was announced in January 1964 as a light commercial helicopter with twin-turbine powerplant and a design making it easily …
Kamov Ka-26 | Military Wiki | Fandom
The Kamov Ka-26 (NATO reporting name Hoodlum) is a Soviet light utility helicopter with co-axial rotors. The Ka-26 entered production in 1969. 816 have been built. A variant with a single …
Kamov Ka26 & Ka-226 - Airliners.net
Kamov is currently working on the improved Ka-226A. Enhancements include a new rotor system with hingless hubs and glass fibre blades, changes to the airframe including a reprofiled nose. …
Kamov Ka-26 / Hoodlum helicopter - HeliStart
The Ka-26 (NATO name “Hoodlum”) is a light utility helicopter created by the Kamov design bureau. The Ka-26 first took flight in 1965 and was officially introduced in 1969. The Ka-26 …
Kamow / Kamov Ka-26 - Specifications - Technical Data / …
The Kamov Ka-26 is a twin-engined light utility helicopter with coaxial rotors developed by the Soviet Design Bureau OKB Kamov (OKB-2), today Kamov JSC, Russia. The Ka-26 can be …
Kamov Ka-15, Ka-25, Ka-26, & Ka-27 - AirVectors
This document provides a history and description of Kamov's naval helicopters -- Ka-15, Ka-25, and Ka-27, plus their derivatives -- as well as the Ka-26 light civil utility helicopter, and its …
Kamov ka-26 - Helis.com
the ka-26 is powered by two 325-hp radial piston engines, each housed in pods on the end of stub wings. it has two variants, the ka-126 and the ka-226. the 126 is powered by turboshafts and …