娜塔莎·坎普希 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
娜塔莎·坎普希(Natascha Maria Kampusch,1988年2月17日 — )或译为坎普什、卡普斯基、卡姆普什、坎普許,綁架案受害人,後來成為一位奥地利电视节目主持人。
How Natascha Kampusch Survived 3096 Days With Her Kidnapper
2023年4月5日 · Snatched from the streets of Vienna by Wolfgang Přiklopil when she was just 10 years old, Natascha Kampusch never gave up on the idea that she would one day be free — and after 3,096 days, she would be.
Natascha Kampusch - Wikipedia
Natascha Maria Kampusch (born 17 February 1988) is an Austrian author and former talk show host. At the age of 10, on 2 March 1998, she was abducted and held in a secret cellar by her kidnapper Wolfgang Přiklopil for more than eight years, until she escaped on 23 August 2006. Upon her escape, Přiklopil killed himself by stepping in front of a train at a nearby station.
娜塔莎·卡姆普什 - 百度百科
娜塔莎·卡姆普什(Natascha Maria Kampusch,1988年—),奥地利公民,1998年,年仅10岁的她被电信工程师沃尔夫冈·普里克洛皮绑架,在8年后,终于逃出魔掌。娜塔莎·卡姆普什在出逃后可能患上了“斯德哥尔摩综合症”,她现在变得不相信其他人,后来出版了名为《3096》天的自传。
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3,096 Days in Captivity: The True Story of My Abduction, Eight …
2011年9月6日 · 3,096 Days in Captivity: The True Story of My Abduction, Eight Years of Enslavement, and Escape [Kampusch, Natascha] on Amazon.com. *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. 3,096 Days in Captivity: The True Story of My …
Kidnap victim describes ordeal as starved, sexually-abused ‘slave’
2010年9月7日 · Natascha Kampusch’s new book recounts the severe physical and mental abuse of being held as a “slave” for eight years, being beaten 200 times a week and forced to call her captor “my lord.”
3096 Days - Wikipedia
3096 Days (German: 3096 Tage) is a 2013 German drama film directed by Sherry Hormann.The film is based on the true story of Natascha Kampusch, a 10-year-old girl and her eight-year ordeal being kidnapped by Wolfgang Přiklopil.Northern Irish actress Antonia Campbell-Hughes portrays Kampusch, [1] while Thure Lindhardt plays Přiklopil.. The film was writer Bernd Eichinger's last film before his ...
KAMPUSCH – Offizielle Webiste von Natascha Kampusch
Natascha Kampusch wurde 1988 in Wien, Österreich geboren. In einem der spektakulärsten Entführungsfälle der jüngeren Vergangenheit, gelang ihr nach über acht Jahren Gefangenschaft die Flucht…
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