Kanis Leung - Correspondent - The Associated Press | LinkedIn
Correspondent at The Associated Press · The Associated Press · The London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE) · Hong Kong SAR · 500+ connections on LinkedIn. View Kanis Leung’s...
Leung covers Hong Kong, Macao and mainland China for The Associated Press. She is based in Hong Kong. Make room Starbucks and McDonald’s. China’s Mixue and other brands win fans …
香港小姐2024|15號俞可程Kanis背景起底!現職工料測量師 攞無 …
2024年9月14日 · 港姐15號俞可程Kanis背景:攞無薪假參選 15號俞可程於香港城市大學測量學學士畢業,去年正式考獲測量師牌照,她形容自己完成了人生一大里程碑,現職工料測量師的她,笑言這次為了選港姐專誠向公司申請無薪假期。
Kanis Leung’s Profile | Associated Press Journalist | Muck Rack
Correspondent @AP, covering Hong Kong, Macau and China. Interested in politics, econ and culture. Views own. Formerly @scmpnews @reuters ️ [email protected]. Is this you? As a …
Kun Kuang - Google 学术搜索
Zhejiang University - 引用次数:4,551 次 - Causal Inference - Data Mining - Machine Learning
Articles by Kanis Leung’s Profile - Muck Rack
See how our latest enhancements enable you to uncover opportunities, use AI to simplify tedious tasks and showcase the impact of your PR efforts. Correspondent @AP, covering Hong Kong, Macau and China. Interested in politics, econ and culture. Views own. Formerly @scmpnews @reuters ️ [email protected]. Is this you?
泰国插画师Kanis带给我们突破次元壁的可爱小插画,插画中的水彩人物可爱感、幸福感十足,美好的样子已经透过画面感染着观众的内心。 这种“二次元”的世界可以给观众构成一个寻觅和假象的空间,构成一个二维的图像世界,在这里虽然是一个平面世界,也是一个立体空间。 Kanis为我们构建了一个美丽的想象空间也可以说是“三次元”的存在。 在这个立体的世界里人类的内心变得模糊,同时增加对画面美感的期许。 插画师Kanis用水彩平面线条构建了一个平面,在画面中的男 …
As an artist, having the freedom to create without constraints is essential to my work. I knew this route would not be an easy one but I'm grateful for the love & support that has allowed me to freely pursue my passion and create art that is meaningful to me.
KUANG Kai-Tsinghua School of Journalism and Communication
Developing and validating the Communication Resilience Processes (CRP) Scale. Journal of Communication, online first. https://doi.org/10.1093/joc/jqab013. & Gettings, P. E. (2020). Applying the...
Top Hong Kong court overturns convictions of 3 former organizers …
2025年3月6日 · HONG KONG—Hong Kong’s top court on Thursday overturned the convictions of three former organizers of an annual vigil in remembrance of the 1989 Tiananmen Square crackdown over their refusal to provide information to police, marking a rare victory for the city’s pro-democracy activists.