倘若你了解KANJO,就会知道本田在JDM中的神圣地位 - 搜狐
2018年3月21日 · 其实KANJO这个单词便是“OSAKA JDM”(大阪JDM)的另一种叫法(也可称之为KANJOZOKU),说的直白一些就是“环状线”的意思。 没错,这些改装车都是清一色地老款 本田思域,其中多为EF车系,也包括不少EG6和EK9等车型。
Sakaja launches 19 new 'Kanjo' vehicles worth Sh105M [Photos]
2023年5月16日 · Nairobi Governor Johnson Sakaja has introduced 19 new county fleets to replace the old vehicles previously used by the city inspectorate department. Valued at Sh105 million, these new vehicles aim to improve the mobility and effectiveness of the department in their daily operations.
The Many Different Styles of the Kanjozoku
As you will witness in the video, the Honda Civics that enjoy the afterhours of Osaka, Japan are all very different aesthetically. Even cars from the same car club rarely look alike. The graphical liveries that are used on these Hondas are inspired by the old school one-make Honda races of …
保持 Kanjo 精神的活力 - 哔哩哔哩
早在 2010 年,就有数十个 240p 的 YouTube 视频(如下图所示)展示了深夜高速公路的滑稽动作,但赛车已经持续了几十年。 Kanjo 赛车的部分魅力在于围绕它的神秘感;早期的信息很少。 快进到 2024 年,大多数人对 kanjo 赛车和大阪环线的迷恋似乎已经消退,包括我 ...
A Deep Dive Into Japanese Kanjozoku Cars & Culture - Low Offset
2023年12月30日 · Kanjo has become a symbol of speed, flair, and an undying passion for racing. Let’s get into more detail about the ins and outs of this famous car subculture. The Kanjozoku has its roots in the crowded streets of Osaka, Japan, in the 1980s.
The Loop Soldiers - The Kanjozoku- Osaka's Infamous Street Racers
After the huge crackdown on illegal street racing in Osaka almost a decade ago, many left the Kanjo racing scene altogether and clubs disbanded. Some of these hobbyists moved their racing onto the circuit where it’s legal, some of the older guys left altogether and the few that stuck around continue to carry on this underground Osaka tradition.
#TJS The Kanjozoku | CarThrottle
2017年9月23日 · The Kanjozoku are a group of people who race exclusively civics and the occasional integra on the Kanjo Loop in Osaka. In the map shown below the Kanjo is the oval in the middle. They are also...
Car Spotlight>> Kanjo Veteran - Speedhunters
2012年3月22日 · With its cage, mismatched wheels, and unpolished appearance the EG6 looked more like a dedicated race car than a street machine. Such is the case with many of the hot rodded Hondas that ply Osaka’s highway system in the wee hours of the morning.
Sakaja unveils new fleet to replace rickety ‘kanjo’ vehicles
2023年5月16日 · Nairobi Governor Johnson Sakaja has replaced the rickety vehicles with 19 new vehicles to be used by the city's inspectorate officers. The new double-cab vehicles will replace the rusty ones used by the inspectorate and enforcement officers.
End of an era: Sakaja replaces rusty kanjo cars - The Star
2023年5月16日 · Governor Sakaja commended Isuzu Kenya for their collaboration, noting that they were granted the contract following a legitimate bidding process. The city constable's "kanjo" has over the years...