公路即是战场,日本飙车党的疯狂记忆 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
穿梭于环状线的Kanjo(环状族) 在经济泡沫破裂的背景下,人们在感到巨大的经济压力,以及对社会不满的情况之后,不少年轻人选择通过飙车来发泄情绪,但他们没有对应的经济实力参与合法赛事,所以选择了非法飙车,后来他们把赛车舞台,搬到了阪神高速 ...
倘若你了解KANJO,就会知道本田在JDM中的神圣地位 - 搜狐
2018年3月21日 · 倘若你是一位 本田 车迷,那么应该满脑子都是mugen、j’s racing、modulo、spoon以及seeker等改装品牌的名号,但我敢肯定的是,kanjo这个单词一定会被众人忽略。
Kanjo Loop, late 90s. In my opinion the peak of car culture so far
2023年9月3日 · Over those years I had 2 MK2 Supras, an S13 K’s & S14 K’s, R31 GTSX, R32 Type M & an R33 Type M. The R32 was my favorite and the car I had the longest and put the most money into. Now I’m a boring 49 year old.
Kanjo Street Racers - The Infamous Kanjozoku - MotorTrend
2014年5月21日 · Loop runners, known better as "Kanjo Racers" or "Kanjozoku," gather at an unspecified location and put their skills to the test in all-out madness on these highways.
【文章】倘若你了解KANJO,就会知道本田在JDM中的神圣地位_ …
倘若你是一位本田车迷,那么应该满脑子都是MUGEN、J’S RACING、MODULO、SPOON以及SEEKER等改装品牌的名号,但我敢肯定的是,KANJO这个单词一定会被众人忽略。 当你通过谷歌或者百度翻译查询后,会发现词条里显示出KANJO一词在日语中为“仕女”的意思,但在改装车的领域中,其含义有所不同,并且影响力也绝不比上述本田御用改装品牌弱。 其实KANJO这个单词便是“OSAKA JDM”(大阪JDM)的另一种叫法(也可称之为KANJOZOKU),说的直白一些 …
Nissan DNA Garage: The Racing Icons - Speedhunters
2014年10月29日 · The R31 may never have reached the success its successor did in racing, but it sure was an important piece of Nissan’s history. At the hands of Nissan Motorsports Europe, it did pretty well in the continent.
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(Pre-Order) 1:18 | Ignition Model (IG) - Nissan Skyline GTS-R (R31 ...
Pre-order now to secure your place in the world of diecast collections and own the iconic Nissan Skyline GTS-R (R31) Blue Black (IG3508) by Ignition Model (IG). Condition: New, Scale: 1:18, Vehicle Type: Car, Material: Resin, Country of Origin: China.
Joko_P - Sketchfab
Honda Civic EF (Kanjo Racer) ... Nissan Skyline R31 GTS-R. Animated. Nissan Onevia. Animated. Honda Prelude AB (Rally Build) Modified Toyota Corolla KE70. Nissan Skyline R32 GT-R. Mazda Savanna S124A Racing. Animated. 1982 - 1987 Honda Prelude AB. Toyota JZX100 Mark II Tourer V. Honda Accord CH9 Wagon SiR.
Kanjo build roaming the streets of manila : r/JDM - Reddit
2023年3月31日 · Refers to The Kanjo loop in Osaka - a popular highway looping the city that has a lot of street racing history; particularly with Honda‘s and specifically Civics.