96Sn/4Ag Lead-Free Tin Silver Solder - Kapp Alloy
KappZapp4™ Tin-Silver solder is an NSF-compliant lead-free solid wire solder containing 4% Silver, offering improved tensile strength, shear strength, elongation, and conductivity over KappZapp3.5™. It provides a wider workable range of 430-475°F (221-246°C) to allow users to manipulate parts, while the solder is hardening.
91Sn/9Zn Tin-Zinc Lead-Free Solder Tube, Ribbon & Spool - Kapp …
It is a soft, lower melting point Tin-Zinc solder eutectic at 390°F (199°C) offering good corrosion resistance and tensile strength. KappAloy9™ is designed to minimize the heat required while producing a consistently strong bond and retaining the …
Electrical Solder Wires - Kapp Alloy
Low melting temperature (355°F/179°C) means less chance of heat damage to surrounding parts and circuit boards; Instant setting helps reduce cold solder joints; Silver content provides high conductivity; Excellent tensile and shear strength, up to 25% stronger than 60Tin/40Lead solder
KappZapp3.5-3.5% Silver Solid Core Solder for Copper, Brass, and ...
2014年1月23日 · Low eutectic melting temperature of 430°F (221°C) prevents loss of properties and minimizes distortion on thin wires, tabs, and sheets. Complies with the European RoHS and REACH directives. No lead, cadmium or mercury used in production. Paired with Kapp Comet Flux (sold separately) ›
- 评论数: 20
Kapp Golden Flux Lead-Free for Aluminum to Aluminum, Copper, …
2014年1月20日 · Kapp Golden Flux is designed for use on Aluminum-to-Aluminum or Aluminum-to-Copper wire pigtail splices, and for Aluminum to Copper, Brass or plated terminals and hot dip coating of Aluminum cable connectors to provide a low resistance contact surface. Residue is electrically conductive and slightly corrosive.
- 评论数: 7
改性聚磷酸铵/天然矿物协同阻燃玉米秸秆/聚丙烯复合材料性能研 …
2024年8月30日 · 本工作采用熔融共混和热压方法制备了玉米秸秆/聚丙烯/改性聚磷酸铵复合材料(CS/PP/KAPP)。 由于KAPP生产成本较高,且大量KAPP会降低木塑复合材料(WPC)的力学性能,因此采用天然矿物质替代部分KAPP来提高阻燃性能。 结果表明,对于所有研究组,当超细蒙脱石用量为8.6 wt%时,共效阻燃剂的阻燃性能优于纯KAPP组。 同时,所得复合材料的氧指数为30.2%,垂直燃烧等级为V-0。 在其他组中,由于KAPP含量降低,复合材料的极限氧指数 …
Kapp Alloy & Wire, Inc Products - SMTnet
Low melting temperatures prevent loss of properties and minimize distortion on thin wires and sheets. KappZapp3.5™ Tin-Silver alloys are used for electronics, fabrication, ducting, food containers, storage bins, instruments, Copper plumbing pipe, and cooling coils for refrigerators.
KappTec - Cadmium - Silver Solder - SMTnet
KappTec is a high temperature, high strength solder. It is used in applications where alloys melting higher than soft solders are required, but the cost and strength of Silver-brazing alloys is not necessary. This is a general purpose solder that will …
Formulation and characterisation of kappa-carrageenan gels …
2021年12月25日 · Kappa carrageenan was identified as a possible gel for melting-triggered release at 30–40 °C with the inclusion of a non-ionic surfactant for use in detergency or food-related applications. The gel formulation was kappa carrageenan (0.6–3% w/w) and either Tween 20 or Dehypon LS 36: two different non-ionic surfactants (0–5% w/w).
Tin Zinc Based Solder - Aluminum Electrical Soldering Wire - Kapp …
KappAloy™ Tin-Zinc solders for low temperature Aluminum to Aluminum and Aluminum to Copper soldering with good corrosion resistance & tensile strength. Melting range begins at 390°F (199°C), avoiding heat damage to critical electronics, substrate deformation & segregation.