Capybara - Wikipedia
Capybaras are semiaquatic mammals [15] found throughout all countries of South America except Chile. [19] . They live in densely forested areas near bodies of water, such as lakes, rivers, swamps, ponds, and marshes, [14] as well as flooded …
卡皮巴拉 - 百度百科
卡皮巴拉是英文单词capybara的中文谐音,意思为水豚,一种四肢短短,身材圆滚滚,鼻孔朝天,外表呆萌的动物,也是最近动物界的新顶流。 [1] 分布于南美洲的啮齿动物水豚在网络上成了情绪稳定的代名词,松弛自在、与世无争、情绪稳定,精神状态领先三十年。 它们泡澡、睡大觉,被其他动物踩在身上都没什么反应。 这些名场面少不了饲养环境下人为因素的影响,但水豚确实具备一些人类视角看起来能够淡定、松弛的条件。 [2] 水豚的特别之处在于,明明可以靠颜值,偏 …
Capybara Clicker ️ Play on CrazyGames
2023年3月28日 · Capybara Clicker is a clicker game where you multiply the capybara population by clicking. You can buy various upgrades to increase the output of capybaras, change the weather, and unlock new skins to make you the coolest capybara in …
Capybara | Description, Behavior, & Facts | Britannica
2025年2月11日 · Capybaras are short-haired brownish rodents with blunt snouts, short legs, small ears, and almost no tail. They are shy and associate in groups along the banks of lakes and rivers. They normally feed in the morning and evening and spend most of the day resting under cover along the banks.
13 Surprising Capybara Facts - Fact Animal
Capybaras (Hydrochoerus hydrochaeris) are the worlds largest rodent. They are well known for looking like giant guinea pigs. They are from South America, where they live both in dense forests and savannas, typically near bodies of water. They are well known inhabitants of the Amazon, where they can be spotted on river edges.
Capybara - Facts, Diet, Habitat & Pictures on Animalia.bio
Funny CAPYBARA are the FRIENDLIEST Animal Compilation! The range of capybara covers a huge area, extending over much of South America to the east of the Andes, from Colombia and Venezuela southwards to northern Argentina. Capybara is found in lowland areas with close proximity to water.
Capybara Facts - National Geographic
These impressive semi-aquatic mammals are found throughout much of northern and central South America, though a small invasive population has been seen in Florida. They’re closely related to guinea...
Capybara - The Largest Rodent In The World
The capybara or greater capybara (scientific name: Hydrochoerus hydrochaeris), is a giant cavy rodent native to South America. It holds the title of the largest living rodent in the world and …
Capybara - Facts, Diet, Habitat, Lifespan, as Pets, Pictures - Animal …
Capybara (Hydrochoerus hydrochaeris), belonging to the Hydrochoerus genus is the the largest semi-aquatic rodent in the world. The only other member of this genus is the Lesser Capybara. Both the terms in its scientific name are derived from the Greek words ‘hydor’ meaning water and ‘choiros’ meaning a hog or pig.
Kapybara | Djur på Kolmården - kolmarden.com
Kapybaran är världen största gnagare. Den kan bli upp till 130 centimeter lång och väga upp till 65 kilo! Kapybaran finns i Sydamerika. Kom Sydamerikas okända djur riktigt nära. Kapybarorna lever i grupper med cirka tio djur, men kan vara så många som upp till 40 djur i samma grupp. I gruppen ingår en dominant hane, några honor och flera ungar.