Karakia - prayers, Māori ki Ōtākou Whakaihu Waka - University of …
Karakia from the University of Otago
Karakia - Wikipedia
Karakia are Māori incantations and prayer used to invoke spiritual guidance and protection. [1] They are also considered a formal greeting when beginning a ceremony. According to Māori …
He Karakia - Te Puni Kōkiri
2020年10月14日 · This is a selection of karakia, provided as a learning resource for staff of Te Puni Kōkiri. It is intended to support staff efforts to incorporate te reo Māori me ōna tikanga …
Karakia – Incantation - Massey University
Karakia are ritual chants or prayers spoken in te reo Māori. They’re especially appropriate to use at the beginning and end of hui (meetings). Learn a simple karakia to use at your next hui.
Karakia - Manukau Institute of Technology
Karakia (prayer) are the ritual chants of Māori and are an important part of Māori culture. Poetic imagery and metaphor are used to call upon and recognise the influence of atua (spiritual or …
What is a Karakia? 4 Things to Know. - metawhenua.
2023年10月1日 · Karakia, integral to Māori culture, are chants or prayers used to communicate with the spiritual realm, invoke protection, and express reverence and gratitude. They are …
新西兰毛利祈祷文“卡拉基亚” Karakia-看新西兰
新西兰的毛利人也有自己的祈祷文,它的中文发音是“卡拉基亚”,毛利文是 karakia。 毛利传统习俗在新西兰很多毛利人的生活中依然占据重要的部分,同时也是新西兰人文化的内在组成部分之 …
Kia mau ki te reo kia mau ki ngā tikanga - Karakia - Google Sites
Karakia, in their true essence, are ritual chants invoking spiritual guidance and protection of events, the outcomes and the peoples involved. There are three types of karakia that are …
Page 4. Karakia - Te Ara: The Encyclopedia of New Zealand
What are karakia? Karakia are the way people communicate with the gods. Te Rangi Hīroa (Peter Buck) suggested a karakia was ‘a formula of words which was chanted to obtain benefit or …
Karakia - paramediccouncil.org.nz
Karakia are ritual chants, prayers, or incantations spoken in Te Reo Māori. They are used to invoke spiritual guidance and protection, and to encourage a generally favorable outcome of …