Karambwan fishing guide, For those who want an alternative to
2017年8月20日 · Both karambwanji and the karambwan vessel can be obtained in taideches karambwan stall in the south west corner of the tai bwo wannai village, this stall will be your …
Karambwanji per karambwan for fishing? : r/ironscape - Reddit
2022年10月15日 · 47.66%, per osrs wiki, chance of catching a karambwan for each karambwanji used at 75 fishing.If we assume that rate to be constant to give us a high estimate, then you'll …
Karambwanji after 7 hours at 69 fishing. : r/2007scape - Reddit
2018年2月16日 · It's not 5 xp per karambwanji, it's 5 xp per catch so the higher fishing level you are the more karambwanji you catch but the resulting xp is still 5. Hope that clears things up a …
Karambwanji to Karambwan ratio. [lv.92] : r/2007scape - Reddit
2021年10月27日 · The official unofficial subreddit for Elite Dangerous, we even have devs lurking the sub! Elite Dangerous brings gaming’s original open world adventure to the modern …
Fishing Karambwan Efficiently : r/ironscape - Reddit
2022年3月27日 · Equip a dramen staff. Get your vessel+ Karambwanji (fishing barrel if you have it) and teleport to the fairy ring just south of the Karambwam spot. Fill up your inventory and …
Buying or fishing karambwanji? : r/2007scape - Reddit
Buying or fishing karambwanji? Question Title says it all, I've searched about and most seem to say buying out the shop and world hopping is best but people mentioned that Jagex had plans …
Tips for raising kittens: Raw karambwanji are stackable and
2018年2月1日 · Tips for raising kittens: Raw karambwanji are stackable and feeding to cats only consumes a single. No need to take excess amounts of fish to feed them
Should I burn through all 20k Karambwanji or eventually get to
As title states, I have like 19k Karambwanji and just started fishing Karambwan. Should I use all of them, or eventually just do Swan Song to be able…
10 Hours of Karambwan Fishing : r/oldschoolrs - Reddit
2019年2月22日 · Karambwanji Used - 12,400 / 1240 Summary. AFK, comparable to monkfish Slightly less xp than monkfish [5k/h] for more profit [150k more] Good option to get food, …
Karambwanji Fishing Pet Chance : r/2007scape - Reddit
2021年6月10日 · The Wiki says "With minnows, the pet chance is rolled once each time fish are obtained (i.e. when experience is given), regardless of the number that were fished.", but it …