Karen Amram - Head of the Large-Scale Research Intrastructures ...
Karen Amram holds a Doctorate in fluid mechanics from the Ecole Polytechnique and was trained as a physicist at the University of Aix-Marseille.
- 职位: Head of the Large-Scale …
We are happy to announce speaker of 32nd IPMA World Congress, Dr. Karen ...
Dr Karen Amram has been employed by the French Alternative Energies and Atomic Energy Commission for 22 years, with important scientific and administrative contributions. Within the …
Advisory Board | www.euronanoforum2019.eu
Karen Amram has been employed by the French Alternative Energies and Atomic Energy Commission for 22 years with scientific and administrative contributions. With a strong …
Karen Amram – High Level Forum - hlf-giant-grenoble.org
Karen Amram is the Chair of the High Level Forum and she is currently Director for International foresight at the technology unit of CEA that comprises the LETI, LITEN, LIST Institutes and …
Karen AMRAM . 5 79 21 Bureau : 404 Adjointe Susana GOTA-GOLDMANN . Téléphone : 5 98 86 . Bureau : 404 Téléphone 5 88 15 Bureau : Chargé de mission – structures légales. Tél 5 85 …
Karen Amram – High Level Forum - hlf-giant-grenoble.org
For this third interview of the month, Karen Amram, Chair of the HLF, kindly accepted to take the floor to announce the next HLF #event and share her expectations for the future of the HLF.
DGRI SPFCO Chargé·e de mission | Karen Amram - LinkedIn
Le service de la performance, du financement et de la contractualisation avec les organismes de recherche (SPFCO) est l’un des 3 services de la direction générale de la recherche et de …
Karen Amram, Director for Europe, CEA Tech - Sustainable Places …
Dr Karen Amram has been employed by the French Alternative Energies and Atomic Energy Commission for 22 years with important scientific and administrative contributions. With a …
Karen Amram’s Post - LinkedIn
Head of the Large-Scale Research Infrastructures Department DGRI/SPFCO/B4. "You have become the centre of the world for particle physics" Ce sont les mots de la Présidente de la...
70 ans...quelle jeunesse! Un très bel hommage. | Karen Amram
Le CERN met les petites particules dans les grandes pour célébrer ses 70 ans d’exploration de l’infiniment petit. 👉 Au programme : un marathon de mini-conférences, de nombreuses …